The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

If your child is using or thinking about using CAP (College Audition Project) for coaching, here’s something cool they are doing. For the next three weeks, they are doing 4 Zoom classes per week free for their students. They are Vocal Health & Pedagogy, Song Selection, Monologue Clinic and Script Club (reading one script per week and coming together to analyze and talk about the play). My junior D is using them and has had her first consultations and we’re finding them extremely helpful.

@ARBMusTheatre CAP (College Audition Project) is doing this and it is awesome! Especially for rising seniors. But you have to already be a student. They had a WONDERFUL Zoom call last weekend for their students and parents who auditioned this year about next steps for them, helping them to find the info they needed to make decisions and some ideas about what some of the things they have heard going forward. Very, very informative and a very timely and responsive action for what is going on now (with no college visits available to do!). They are all very wonderful people and knowledgeable and “in touch” with the colleges they work with!

@onette Yes, you’re right! You do have to be a CAP student to participate in the workshops. I guess I was saying this might be a good time to go ahead and sign up if you were thinking about it because of all of the “extras” they’re doing right now. Since my D is out of school and the show she was in isn’t happening, it’s nice to have some constructive activities!

@DivaStageMom makes some great points. I’ll echo the thought of both casting a wide net AND having a balanced list. This is a VERY competitive process. It will seem quite random at times, perhaps most of the time. Your kid will pass prescreens at some of the most competitive programs and not pass at lower ranked MT schools.

Really important to have some safeties in the mix. I would define that as non audition, strong program with quality training and opportunities, affordable, and a school that your kid would be happy to attend. Also think about would they attend if they get shutout of all their audition schools (which can and does happen). If the answer is no, then it’s not really a safety. This is a really important part of the equation. They all want to do well and kill their auditions, get multiple offers, etc. But it they know they have a safety school they like in the bag, it helps a lot.

We knocked that out early (like admitted in October with a nice scholarship). Was admitted and had an on campus audition for scholarship. So going forward through audition season there was always a comparison. “If you got in to X, how would you compare to safety?” In some cases, even where D was admitted into audition program, she would have chosen to attend the safety for a variety of reasons (so make sure the safety is really a strong option). Then the audition process was about casting a wide net as it’s a crap shoot. She chose to audition / prescreen at certain schools based on reputation, location, her coaches advice, etc. We didn’t invest too much time in learning about each program up front, but rather took the approach of seeing the results and then exploring the choices in far more detail. That’s where she is now.

It’s a crazy process. Stay calm. Try to enjoy the ride (parts of it can be quite enjoyable if you treat it that way).

Best of luck!

@rickle1 to echo your point more specifically, we did Muhlenberg ( audition for scholarship) in October, and learned that they don’t release decisions till March. The good news my D who was a BFA/BM or bust type walked away very impressed with Muhlenberg & as you alluded to felt she could be happy their if shut out elsewhere…Muhlenberg is not the easiest academic admit ( not an ivy but not a layup either based on my D stats) so we added a non audition safety that did in fact do rolling admissions. we also go lucky & got some fall admits at audition programs BUT my point is we COULD have been sweating the Muhlenberg result till this week

To @NYYFanNowMTdad 's point, I would choose at least one “safety” (defined above) that will likely provide an earlier admit (rolling). Don’t get me wrong, the process was still stressful but it was a great relief knowing D would be happy attending a school she was admitted, that had a good theater performance program in October.

Can’t say 100% she would have attended if shut out vs. gap yr but pretty certain she would have.

For those interested in the CAP workshops, they just opened up the workshops to everyone. You can go to their Facebook or Instagram pages for the information.

This is for the Class of 2025 - Students only - last year there was a FB site called Crucible Cast Party the kids went on and shared MT stories - this year that site is called “Heather’s Candy Store” - this is a site for students, run by students, no parents, coaches or department heads. It serves as a great place for the students to share information and vent about the process. It also includes students from previous years that provide advice and inspiration. If you are an MT student - sign up, I think you will find that this is a valuable resource.

June SATs Cancelled. From the College Board:

Right now, public health officials have made it clear it’s not safe to gather students in one place. Many states have closed their schools for the rest of the academic year, and globally there are widespread school closures across 192 countries. As such, we won’t be able to administer the SAT® and SAT Subject Tests™ as planned on June 6, 2020.

We’ll ensure that students have opportunities to take the SAT to make up for this spring’s lost administrations. If it’s safe from a public health standpoint, we’ll provide weekend SAT administrations every month through the end of the calendar year, beginning in August. This includes a new administration in September, in addition to the previously scheduled tests.

As a rising senior in the class of 2021 who hasn’t yet taken the SAT, XXX will have early access to registration for the August, September, and October administrations. You’ll be notified by email in May when registration opens. Eligible students will be able to take the exam with a fee waiver.

In the unlikely event that schools don’t reopen this fall, the College Board will provide a digital SAT for home use, much as we’re delivering digital exams for three million Advanced Placement® students this spring. As we’re doing with at-home AP® Exams, we would ensure that at-home SAT testing is simple; secure and fair; accessible to all; and valid for use in college admissions.

We’re committed to giving students as many chances as we can to show their strengths to admissions officers. As we navigate this evolving situation, we’re working closely with our partners in higher education to ensure students have what they need as they continue on the path to college.

Because of this, many colleges and universities are becoming “test optional.” What’s unfortunate, is so many kids rely on these scores for scholarships.

Does anyone know if there is a list compiled somewhere of the schools that “do” and “don’t” require an academic admission before being accepted artistically? I thought I read somewhere that some schools really want the kids to wait until they’ve passed their prescreen BEFORE applying academically.

There’s a seminar with educators from 20 top MT programs on auditioning for the programs, what they look for, etc. Check it out on the a1 conference website. It’s free of charge

@mttnmom Very few want you to wait until you have passed your prescreen to apply. Most require you to have applied before they will look at your prescreen. I know Otterbein is one that has you wait until after you pass to apply. But it can also change year to year. Best case is to look at the schools you are interested in and read their instructions for applying. It will usually say in there if you need to apply before or after. If there is a list I am not aware of it although it has been talked about before on the various threads.

please chance me on my thread. With everything going on right now, that is basically what my application is going to look like and would appreciate any insight

Thank you MTSongbirdMom- I have heard that Elon, Otterbein and Emerson are in line with this. Otterbein and Elon are among our top choices, so we want to do everything correctly by them!! Such a crazy process!! We started filling out the common app today- and I realized they’re not really accepting our class/kids’ dates for enrollment!! All good…we may be a bit ambitions to get this rolling!!

*ambitious- :slight_smile: Hate “me” using incorrect spelling/grammar!!

@mttnmom The Common App usually goes live for the coming fall on Aug 1, but the Common App 2020-2021 essay prompt is already out. The essays get to be a lot with all the supplemental academic and artistic essays individual schools require, so it’s great to knock the Common App essay out early.

Oh yes titlemom!! Mine are already prepping for their essays!! I have twin boys about to go through this process!!! UGH!!!

Hi all, Otterbein, Elon, CCM, BoCo, Baldwin Wallace and many more will be answering any and all questions you have. Head to our website and submit any questions you’d like to ask. It’s free of charge

Can anyone tell me if you are using coaches? If so, which do you recommend? Are they necessary? My daughter was accepted into Ithaca College’s summer intensive but it is all Zoom classes now and they didnt really lower their price of course. Basically they took off the cost of the residential part. I just dont really feel it is worth the cost and things are so up in the air financially right now! But I also don’t want her to not do anything!