The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

YES! And they have a scramble system where you can see who still has spots, and they can find you. These days I think you get a decision by email rather than waiting for a phone call.

And all the schools know they have to have their rankings in by a certain date, and they build their interviewing system around that.

For me the dribbling in of decisions over the course of months without a clear knowledge of when to expect them has been…interesting. My daughter, too, is far more resilient than I on this, but it hasn’t always been easy.


Lol…in my day it was by phone…my age is showing. I forgot about the scramble for those who did not get placed.

Thanks for commiserating.

A few quick comments.

  1. I did not know about the internship method for medical school but it is much more humane. Maybe we need to politely lobby for reform. Save that for the future.

  2. Re; Pace. We are aware of the issues they are having and hoping that lessons have been learned. We are a minority household and our student is hoping that there is an even greater awareness and therefore real reform in this area going forward. For us, we wondered if a diverse student may actually feel safer there in the future knowing there is new leadership. That’s as our rationale. Also, she may be limited in options so let’s remember that not everyone has the ability to scoff at the outstretched hand, flawed as it may be…

  3. Sorry for all our kids, but so proud of them. As tender as I feel, my performer is a rock star (in spirit and in talent) who has been incredibly resilient throughout. More so than her mama.


I’m catching up on the Pace info, but can I assume if my D didn’t get a phone call yesterday she didn’t get in?

Also, wondering if anyone knows when Miami decisions are expected?

I’m sort of grateful I don’t know what Elle Woods is or follow any forums on FB. Dare I ask???

I keep trying to picture this person on the phone calling people. My D and I decided that if by 3pm Cali time she hadn’t received a call then we were done being excited. Which came and went of course, and later in the evening I pictured the persons at home on their sofa and I wondered if they had any thought of the kids who had to endure a day of really not fun anxiety. Definitely could be managed better. At least with Carnegie there was a letter in the portal immediately as they were making calls it seemed so at least she didn’t have long to wait in agony. SO NOY FUN!!!


LOL I had never heard of Elle Woods (the group not the character) until recently-it’s really for the kids and our daughter is the user. She had it open yesterday and refreshing for info. If you don’t know about it, consider yourself blessed. Not knowing is a blessing!

As for the Pace calls and what it means, I have no idea. :slight_smile:


You are not alone. My D was told the same things after her audition. She is not on fb and is keeping to herself in this process. She didn’t even know calls were being made. I knew though, and waited all day for her to get that call that never came.

We took a long walk yesterday and talked about the offers she has, the waitlists, and the unknowns. I didn’t bring up Pace decisions coming out or kids being called. I have a good idea what she wants and where she stands. Better fits are out there for her, and based on what she said, I’m glad she clearly recognizes that. The way Pace chose to do this was not well thought out and does leave a bad impression. It’s been an awful year for her, for most of these kids, and it was just thoughtless. I’m sorry for the pain your daughter experienced because of it all.


Wouldn’t it be great if we were all aware of their decision process as school lists were being made? Which schools have an honest, reliable & kind policy of letting students know…Which schools pressure kids into deciding before May 1…How many they accept and approximately how many are waitlisted…I know it’s not possible, but I would have loved to know more about how the schools treat these young artists during this process. It would have made some decisions to apply easier. I know it’s a rough business, but I would like my girl to spend 4 years with faculty that has respect and empathy for every student, the ones they choose to admit, and the ones they don’t. I pray we all find our kids are all supported and valued wherever they all land!


We are also a minority household and my D goes to a high-school where racism is rampant and fight as we have, there have been no significant changes. The impact on her self esteem has been tremendous so she does not have the desire to go through this again in college. She has friends at Pace and has been hearing about what is going on and even with the so called changes it might take awhile. I am glad those students are standing up against what is going on there. But for my D, the racism she suffered in her school interfered with her skills acquisition and she feels behind as it is. Before she got accepted anywhere, once she heard about what was going on there, for her it was not an option. She did talk about community College or taking a gap year; however she has been fortunate enough to have a few acceptance. I do believe Pace as well as NYU are being called out and I do believe things will change for BIPOC students.


You have definitely tapped into something here and I really appreciate you raising it. It is definitely not just Pace. Other schools have behaved similarly and call and then leave kids waiting for days while parents on this forum wonder if they are finished with calls and if they are waitlisted or if it is over. And what about Montclair that updated its portal and told NO ONE and just changed one line of the admission letters to indicate if you are accepted or waitlisted or not (oh, and the confetti regardless). And Ithaca’s handling of their roll out was nothing short of abysmal in my view and my D did not even apply there. I saw so many parents here wondering if something had gone wrong with their applications because of the random, staggered postings.

Some schools really do this well - Penn State tries to call at the same time the portal is updated. JMU and Point Park and UMiami appear to have figured out how to post all decisions to their portal simultaneously. So I get that it may not be easy but it can be done.

I agree that once the dust settles we should take up the mantle here and give some feedback. I wonder if the Papermill Playhouse, who brokered the common prescreen among a bunch of these schools (thank goodness for that!) might be interested in thinking about a more standardized decision process…


Are Miami decisions in the portal?

No. Our experience is from last year. They were super organized. Everything posted on the exact day they said it would. And they had a very organized WL process.

Ok thank you! I’m not on the portals, just my D, but that’s been one I’ve been wondering about when they will notify and some schools have updated portals without any notification it’s been updated.

I’ve asked a couple places, but haven’t got a response, so I am throwing it out here. We are waiting on BOCO Contemporary Theatre. Has anyone heard anything at all from them, even a timeline?

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Not disagreeing with any of you, but will say being a year removed, the pain, the torture the anxiety is a distant memory…not forgotten but certainly not as raw. At this time next year most of you will have your kid at a great program, they will be happy and the pandemic will be gone, you will be planning campus visits to spring shows ( something we lost this year). my D experiences are well documented in the final decision thread, it certainly was a roller coaster…but she ended up w/ several great choices and is super happy where she landed. great professors, very close with her classmates…some of you will opt for a gap year or to leave theater altogether…but most of you will reflect back on this insane year and feel a sense of true accomplishment that you came out the other side with success- something those who don’t apply to MT cant truly appreciate. you are in the 4th quarter, nearing the 2 minute warning…congrats! its a brutal test of survival skills. Check out the Rocky clip- YO Adrien, I did it :slight_smile:


Penn State may have had the timing right, but we only found out about the no by logging into the portal. No email to check the portal ever came. Far from ideal.

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We have no portal! Most communication has been snail mail (the academic stuff). We’ve also had some email communication with them because my D kept getting emails that made us wonder if they has received her FAFSA. They replied quickly, confirming they had received the FAFSA. Also said artistic decisions will come through next week. At that point, there could be artistic $, need-based $, and/or merit $ that might come through. Let the waiting continue!

At first I thought the phone call accepting kids was a really nice personal touch. But I agree with others on here, if you can’t accomplish calling all of your yeses in a short period of time, then just do a whole portal update and then follow up with calls after. But to start making calls and then not have portal updates ready to launch for another 2-3 weeks is pretty insensitive in my eyes. All that being said, I don’t think Pace is done making calls. As I said above, we know a couple kids who made it to the infamous callback round in acting and they haven’t been called yet. So just a guess on my part.

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BOCO: My DD is MT not contemporary theatre, but my understanding is that they historically release pretty close to April 1. More waiting!

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