The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Thanks, @Ginnygfitz! Congrats to your D for WL! - My D applied to 10 BFA MT programs. Only got auditions for 3. One WL, Two Nos. Still waiting on BFA in Theatre (MT concentration) from Boulder. Also holding out for Steinhardt, but that is very much a reach.

@dharmawins I am sorry to here about your DD. :frowning: We are right there with you. So much heartache!

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Thank you so much and back at you. They WILL land somewhere and they WILL bloom where they land!!


ha my daughter’s best offer is in Colorado!!! UNCO!


UNCO is great! My D’s best and only offer right now is at University of New Hampshire (BA, Theatre, Musical Theatre concentration). She really liked the faculty she met during the audition process and I think she will love the campus and get the “normal college experience” that she wants. I do think she can “bloom” there :-).


Sending a virtual hug your way! And positive energy for the remaining ones! :heartpulse:


Yes I got in on February 26th!!

Hugs to you too! Like @dharmawins said, they will bloom where they land! :heartpulse:

All of our kids will.:blue_heart: :performing_arts::heartpulse:


We live in NJ and my son heard from Emerson an hour ago via email. Hope that helps.

(Emerson) We’re in the 2:30 notification window and still no update yet. (3 p.m. now)

Update: Got it at 3:01. A no for us. Damn.

Congrats! Did you have a live virtual audition?

Is Point Park coming out today? I have lost track

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Sorry to hear. Us too :frowning:

Point Park says today on their website!

We’re in Mountain and just got an update. Waitlist. Said they would let us know on or before JULY 31!!!

My dd applied CU Boulder BM MT and has not heard yet. They sent out an email a month ago saying decisions “mid-march”. Not sure if that applies to both MT departments.

great! Do you know much about UNCO? Most people haven’t heard of it but we hear great things. Just kind of far from PA. Okay I have to copy and paste something that college confidential just said:

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A great discussion includes many voices and perspectives. Can you get anybody else involved?

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(Point Park)Think so

On the Acting BFA forums someone got a decision, I think they website says they start today but I don’t know if that means they’ll all be done today. I applied MT, haven’t gotten any word yet.

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@dharmawins that is hilarious! re: UNCO I do remember it showing up on one of my many lists of schools to check out and I recall looking over the website. It’s one of the few Musical Theatre BAs out there. I can’t recall why we went with Boulder instead, but since we are in PA too, I didn’t want her to apply to too many schools out west. The only other one she applied to was Arizona, and she got the No from there last week.