The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

I would suggest looking at the retention numbers of both schools, the faculty as well as the structure of the program. That was helpful for us in decisions last year.


I offer this gently

We adults are stressed and frustrated so imagine how much harder that is for the kids themselves. I find with my kids’ cohort, that so often they are more gracious and balanced than we parents.

Relative to the Elle Woods forums and sharing where they have committed etc.—might it make more sense for us parents just to avoid such and certainly to avoid judgement? Why are we highlighting this ONE kid who committed and who seemingly did not rescind other offers?

We don’t know what we don’t know. We don’t know what is going on in homes, or what financial offers are being worked out.

I am a big believer in eyes in our own paper. Nice to say “please rescind when you can” but not as nice to point to a specific young man and call him out on another forum. Just my two cents.


Guthrie waitlist here. Anyone else?

Sorry, @Mamacitateatro I viewed this as a forum to share, vent and discuss. My intent was not to offend.

@MtnsMTmom all portals for EA and RD first time freshman applicants to JMU should have been updated with program decisions. If you PM me or email me at with your child’s name, I can look into it for you, and find out what happened. -Kate


just heard from IWU. check your portals!!


No for us from IWU. And now we are done. Decision time!

Anyone get good news?

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we also got a no! which way is your daughter leaning??

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@theatremom1314 A little more explanation (hope this helps ease the pain a little bit - this is hard!) The waitlist shuffle doesn’t really kick in until after 5/1. All students have until that date to officially commit and many schools won’t go to the waitlist for offers until after that date. Schools have already made more offers to potential students than the yield they expect to get by 5/1. So right now if an accepted student gives up their slot, that spot is taken by another already-accepted student, not to a waitlist student. On 5/1, programs look at how many accepted students they actually have. Did they gamble correctly on the offer vs. yield formula? Do they have the mix of students they need for a balanced class? Then they go the waitlist for the type of talent they need and the dance begins again and goes into June and even July or later.


@dharmawins @Bigtheaterfan Hey IWU people - I’m updating the other thread and I need some “I” state help. Is IWU Indiana or Illinois? They’re both Wesleyan and they both have BFA programs. Which school is known as IWU? What’s the other school called, then? Please forgive my ignorance! (shrinks back into shrubbery)

IWU is Illinois Wesleyan

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that’s what we had on the list but then I started to doubt. thank you.

My daughter was accepted into Emerson MT too! They’re not allowing tours, how do our kids assess fit in this environment?


My daughter is waiting to hear from USC for the BA. MT was a no thank you from the prescreen.

Hi All, might someone please explain what the Elle Woods forum is? I poke around in this thread as D is interested in Theatre. I just see Elle Woods alot is she like a Coach Abby Lee or something? :thinking: :confused:

In Search of Elle Woods is a FB group for Seniors run by current MT students from different schools. Only kids are allowed to participate. My limited understanding (my son isn’t on FB) is that they change the name of the group for every class (Elle is the Class of 2025 - college graduating year). Someone with a child in the group can give you more details about what is said in the group.:heartpulse:

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My daughter is on the Elle Woods page as well. Think of it as their version of college confidential! They talk about their auditions, whether they’ve heard back from schools, and they vent. Just like we do!

It is also an opportunity for them to network and meet other kids who are planning on attending the school they are going to, once that becomes clear. My D even mentioned finding someone she would love to room with if they both landed at the same school!

Hope that helps. My D has found it extremely positive.


Re FSU: We got an email today that the campus is opening for visits. Campus walking tours will be offered on weekdays starting March 24 through May 14, 2021 in a limited capacity.

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same :frowning: i really hope they open up more spots for BA theatre considering how competitive it was this year
 ive heard that BA theatre lets u take a musical theatre route as well!

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