The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT


That’s great, congratulations!!! When did your S audition and was the update via the portal and email or a call?

@dramamama2424 how wonderful! Congratulations to him!

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Thanks! it was jan 22nd and it was email to check portal.


Hi! Beyond thrilled that our D just got accepted to Montclair for MT. She auditioned Saturday morning. Anyone have any insight on merit or talent scholarships? Haven’t heard from the school yet. She’s a transfer from another BFA (program wasn’t for her) We are in state so already paying that tuition- just checking on others experience to know what we should expect.

Much appreciated.


Did you find out in an email?

@melanie.f.becker Yes she got an email Sunday morning.

@IStressSoDWont congrats!!

We didn’t get an email about a portal update, but when I check the portal the academic admission letter says she is waitlisted. Is that standard language during auditions or do we think that’s the actual result? I feel like it’s an updated result but weird there was no “check your portal” email.

Do you mind sharing when you received the portal update? And when did you audition?

The letter is dated at the end of December when she was academically admitted (and did get an email to check portal). Audition was a week or two ago.

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@purpleviolet That is odd. We didn’t get a “waitlist” email when she was academically admitted. Do you think that she was waitlisted before her audition? Or do you think the date of the letter was wrong?

My D got an email to check the portal and portal had acceptance letter attached advising scholarship info would come later. Sorry if I wasn’t clear before.

No worries your post made sense. Was there a separate admission letter for the artistic decision? Or is the date on your letter the date from this month?

Right now, there is only one letter (dated Mid December) and the second paragraph says she is waitlisted. My hunch is that she’s been waitlisted and they are just updating the original letter?

ETA: meanwhile she has gotten three emails from them just in the past 20 minutes about tours, fin aid, etc. But still nothing about a portal update

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@purpleviolet Yes, it was a separate letter dated Sunday welcoming her into BFA MT program. Asking her that even though she has until 5/1 to decide, if possible to let them know of her decision by 4/1, to give waitlisted students an opportunity if she declined offer. She is waiting on a few but this is her # 1 and she will definitely know before 4/1.


Got it, thank you! Appreciate you helping me try to figure out this mystery!

Congratulations again to your daughter!! Such a great feeling to be admitted so quickly to her #1 school!!


@purpleviolet Thank you!!

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For those playing along at home, my kiddo was waitlisted at Montclair. The email finally came to check the portal this afternoon. I was just early to spot it because of @IStressSoDWont post! : )


Is this for regular decision?

Yep, regular decision.

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Just to confirm, your D auditioned Saturday and received an acceptance letter Sunday? One day later, is that correct?

@Allie_Velasco1 I sent you a PM

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