The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

SUNY Purchase BFA Acting and the Theatre Performance are two separate programs - might be worth noting.

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Pace BFA programs do not send out artistic offers until March. I am guessing he has been accepted academically. It would be best to double check the letter he has received.


Yes he has been accepted to PACE academically. But my question is referring to which school would be the best option in terms of his future in the field, contacts, opportunities? He received merit aids for PACE and Ithaca but still very pricey and not sure it’s worth it. Just wondering if other parents have any experience with these schools.

It depends on the program and what his goals are. Pace had some issues over the last few years that I dont know if they addressed. I believe it was more MT than acting. It is NYC and has that advantage but also that leads to an increase in price. My son looked at some of the same programs and compared where there graduates wound up, what the opportunities were for students, how much academics vs acting classes and price.

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Good schools to choose from-those locations of those schools are all vastly different. At pace your dorm is a high rise and you are in NYC Ithaca is in a very rural (cold?) location. And BW is good for MT not sure for acting probably good but a teeny campus in the middle of Ohio. I think that could help in your sons decision the most! Pace has had issues but a lot of industry people are right there in your backyard.

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Thank you. Yes I know PACE had issues with their Head of Dept playing “favorites” but I know she’s gone now. My son is interested in Acting, Directing, Writing, Film…pretty much all of it, not just MT. That’s why he did t choose a BFA. So I’m thinking UCLA (if he gets in) is probably the best fit. Need to tour the campuses as well.

@Thunder52 It was more than just “playing favorites.” There was overt racism going on in the department. Go view the Instagram account @SeeOurTruths and you will get an earful and an eyeful. I sat there one Sunday morning and cried for hours. I did see something happen to a young man at Chicago Unifieds 2020 by her. I was in the hallway and she ran after someone who had just auditioned and give him some direction and asked him to come back and redo a song. The way she expressed it was extremely disrespectful. Several were in the hall when she said it and I looked around…parents, other…none of us could believe it. I will not post it here but it is not somewhere I would want one of my students to be (at that time). They have been overhauling the program but I would strongly suggest discovering what was done, what has changed and talk to current students about the temperature there now.


Yes I read abd saw the website the students created. Just didn’t want to hurt anyone by bringing all that up. It was very devastating. We have a neighbor that was there at the time. Disgusting behavior. I know they fired her and have tried to work on their reputation but I’m not sure it’s resolved. We are a bit hesitant about the school because of that. Plus the price is crazy.

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I think it was discussed on this board earlier that she actually remained at the school as a teacher (not dept head) at least another year which many were surprised to hear

She did not get fired initially, but she’s not on their faculty list anymore. Her assistant still works there as a professor, and I believe he was also involved the racism and other poor behavior.

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So disheartening to hear. I can understand why parents aren’t comfortable sending their children there. We will definitely be researching. Im not impressed and spending that kind of money at a school (or any money for that matter) that tolerated this disgusting behavior for so long would be unacceptable for us.


These are all excellent questions, and it’s great to research ahead of time, but don’t worry about specific programs too much until you have artistic acceptances to compare. UCLA, PACE, Ithaca, Emerson and BW etc, accept a very low number of applicants. It’s unlikely you’ll run the table! Maybe you will - and that would indeed be very impressive!!


Thank you. So far he has been fully accepted to BW, Ithaca, and SUNY Purchase. Waiting on PACE (only received academic acceptance at this point), UCLA, Emerson, USD as well as some other UCs. Hoping folks have helpful experiences to share.


BFA MT folks. Would anyone whose kiddo auditioned for Texas State be willing to share if they were asked to sing additional songs beyond what was submitted for prescreens? DD has a pop song ready but curious if they might ask for additional/new songs. Thank you!

My daughter was asked to sing her pop song for Texas State.


Thank you! :relaxed:

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My D said it was her favorite audition. Kaitlin had her essay and asked questions about it. She said they had a great interview. Break legs!!!


Thank you so much! Maybe we’ll dig out the essay to look at since she wrote it so long ago. Really appreciate you sharing!!


How did it go?