The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Thank you for asking. She did indeed ask for her pop song. And had her do both of her monologues. First time she had to do all of her material. Haha She also asked a couple of things about her TxSt essay. It was definitely more of a getting to know you conversation. One of the voice teachers worked with her on part of her pop song for a few minutes.

Now we wait. My least favorite part. Hope our girls both get good news soon!!!


i also loved my texas state audition! i love how they really take the time to learn about their applicants as artists and as humans. good luck to everyone!


I am grateful that there are programs out there that are conducting comprehensive auditions. Auditions that include dance calls and workshops that provide the school the opportunity to get to know the performer and understand if the student’s talent is a good match for their school.


Does anyone have information about possibilities of in-state tuition if you are admitted into MT at Indiana University? I know decisions aren’t out but we just got a FA letter and it is out of state cost. Some schools are saying that is a perk but I don’t have anything in my notes for Indiana. Any help appreciated.

Sadly IU isn’t known for its aid. My son’s best friend goes there for VP and had a 4.0 goa and still could only get it down to 40k. Ugh

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I can’t emphasize enough, as these results come in, don’t fall in to the trap of thinking your kid has less(or more) talent than X based on the BFA auditions. Try to help them not feel that way. This is the start of a very long journey with lots of bumps along the way. It’s really about what they’re looking for. D recently attended a professional oriented “unified”. She was one of 1000 college students and young pros auditioning for Summer Stock. Ran into kids she knew at various BFA programs. She would tell you from a talent perspective, lots of interchangeable parts regardless of schooling. And most importantly, call back results seemed to be equally random as the college audition process.

Yes you want the best training possible at a place your kid connects and feels at home with, but ultimately… it’s about what the kid does, not where they do it. And most importantly, what the theaters are looking for.


Anyone at UNCG today?

Another heart attack! Got the headline: Your UM-Ann Arbor Application Is Being Sent to the Dearborn and Flint Campuses. So worry that’s kinda rejection … but it clearly says in the email that decison is not affected. We still have hopes!

In your umich portal? Where would I see that?

via email. Did you choose Dearborn and Flint also in application? We did :slight_smile:

Hey everyone! My D and me are wondering if anybody else is receiving a crazy amount of emails from Shenandoah Admissions regarding campus life, etc.


As we’ve gotten some extremely surprising NO’s from what we viewed as safety schools in the past week, it’s a good reminder to those going through this in the future that absolutely no program that is audition based can be viewed as a safety school.


And that having a no from a “safety” doesnt mean that you will get no’s from “reaches.”


There is also the theory that they hesitate to accept your child if they suspect you won’t commit there -as that ruins their reported #'s. This happens in “regular” schools as well…
I’ve seen it previous years with another child…it happens!


For sure, we have a few nice offers in the bag and the NO we got today wasn’t going to jump ahead of any of them but it still stings and made us shrug our shoulders a bit. Don’t take anything for granted and cast a wide net is what we did and what we suggest to others.


When D was auditioning at one of her BFA “safety” schools, the head of department looked at her resume and asked what she was doing there. Lol. It was her dad’s alma mater. There is truth to the “safeties” looking out for themselves.


Anyone have experience with merit and/or talent scholarships at SUNY or Rutgers? Was hoping we could at least land offers closer to our EFC but it seems like no matter the acceptance, everything is coming out around double ours.


My D received some merit/talent money from Rutgers Mason Gross. I believe she received the scholarship info in March and then it was increased in April.


Awesome. We haven’t gotten financial aid letter from Mason Gross yet. Purchase was this morning and at $0 so it is making us nervous. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: