The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Mark your calendars! UC Santa Barbara admission decisions for freshman applicants will be posted on portal on March 22 (Tue) after 3pm PT.
And the portal will be closed from March 20 until then! Interesting! Any other college does that? … It’s good for us in a way, fingers won’t get cramps :slight_smile:

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We are! do you when should we expect to hear from them?

Wondering if anyone has received a “no” from Hartt yet? I saw that they sent out emails a few days ago congratulating some for acceptance and said snail mail had been sent out, but I didn’t see anyone get a “no” email and we didn’t receive any email at all. Assuming it’s a no, but trying to keep the hope alive, LOL.

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Otterbein calls have started going out today. Just for accepted students as far as I know.


No idea. Thought it was this week…

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Anyone heard anything from Texas State MT Auditions?

Nope. Crickets here.

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On Facebook a mom just wrote that calls have started to go out for Texas st


I saw that. Has anyone received NO’s yet at Texas state MT?

We haven’t received a yes or no. :confused:

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Nope. Crickets here

Same :neutral_face:

I thought I had heard that Texas state sends the No’s first but I haven’t heard if any No’s yet.


In years past TXST had sent out yes’s in batches and they would meet weekly to assess the next batch.

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Do you know when they send the no’s?

No. If they’re still doing in batches people would get notices they were in consideration and others got released. It’s rolling until they are done.

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Acting BFA question.

I realize this is a somewhat loaded question but I really want to guide my child in the right direction when considering acceptances. Some of their acting acceptances are at top 10 MT schools but are the acting programs also top ten?

What are considered the top ten acting programs? With MT give or take a few it is very clear but I’m struggling with

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THere was a list published last year that rated a bunch of the program, but it was most of the usual subjects I think, the ones you mentioned, NYU, UCLA, USC. I will see if I can find it. My S looked mostly at where their recent graduates wound up to make a decision and what they did for seniors in terms of showcases.

Found it pretty easy

A lot of those are MFA programs?