The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

HI all!
Just a quick FYI that you may want to ask if in-person auditions are requiring masks during auditions.


UH Good call. That would be tragic. I would hope that if they do, they allow you to remove them during the monologue itself.

I just read in another thread…a mom reached out to UNCSA about 4-5 days ago, and they said that audition links will be emailed in a week or so. So we should be getting one shortly.

This weekend they did not let them…they did their monologues with masks on. Some parents were surprised they weren’t told ahead of time so this is why I bring it up.

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I am not surprised to hear this, a lot of schools still have very intense protocols, esp the NYC schools.

This was a southern suburban campus. Many people there were surprised so I thought I’d mention to others. Do with the info as you please:)

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wow that’s ridiculous! Regardless of beliefs, how on earth does one judge a monologue without seeing expression!! Thanks for the heads up!

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Agree, completely unacceptable. Any school requiring masks should not even be offering live auditions in the first place. It boggles the mind what these people are thinking.

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Totally agree.

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My poor gal is going through getting rejections from the “Top 10” prescreen schools now. She is definitely a “better in the room” girl - she’s so disheartened, though, thinking she’s “just average” in everything when I know she’s not. It’s also tough for her as the typical “petite blonde ingenue” - it’s easy to brush her aside on a quick prescreen. Just trying to keep her spirits up for those where she’ll be in a room for longer amount of time. Glad I can come here and say how disappointed I am for her - can’t say that too much around her. Once is all I get to show some solidarity, but then I have to be back to the cheerleading role!


It’s brutal. No other way to put it. All I can say or advise is reassure her it’s not a lack of talent. So many factors beyond her control go in to the mix. No way to know what they’re looking for. This is actually great practice for job rehearsals. They’ll be rooms full of essentially equally talented performers vying for the same spot. Do they want a certain look, do they want a certain spirit? You’ll never know.

True story, my D was cast in a professional show while in HS. While walking in to the audition she tripped. Was really embarrassed. Over came it. Was cast and the director told her he cast her because he liked her attitude and ability to overcome the incident quickly. Sure she had the talent but so did everyone else.

Way too easy for them to become disillusioned and feel inadequate. Certainly some are in over their heads, but most of the ones we saw at Unifieds were all quite talented. Really don’t know how they choose other than trying to round out a diverse cohort (not just ethnicity but talent type and look),


This is absolutely correct. These are tiny programs. They need to fill classes that will work for casting in their shows. My son did a summer program at a top college this year and was specifically told by the director of the program to not get attached to her program if you are an alto because the school had unbalanced acceptances the prior two years and they really could only take sopranos this year or they wouldn’t ever be able to put on a show. (I changed the alto/soprano for anonimity, so don’t everyone start messaging me about what school is only taking sopranos!) All the reject means is that you are not going to that school. There is no logical basis to assign any further value to it. I realize that is way easier to say than it is to believe, but it is really true.


I agree with all the others above, my S got a ton of prescreen rejections and then wound up exactly where he belonged. It is all about who they are looking for, and it will work out in the end.


Thanks for all this. These are all things I know intellectually, but good grief is it hard to watch my child go through this! Prescreens are obviously not her friends. Keeping the chin up and soldiering on for her.
But seriously, what’s wrong with a good old English major and law school?!?!? :joy::joy:


OMG - I must have said to my daughter a hundred times last year, “why can’t you want to be a lawyer?”


Is there anyone in her school or area going through the process? It can be very helpful to hear from someone else their own age “I didn’t pass that prescreen either” especially if they know the other kid is talented:)


Not a single one, although she does have friends in other states from summer intensives that she’s able to lean on. It’s so early in the game, too. Not passing some of these prescreens has just shaken her confidence.

Im so sorry. It’s always so hard watching our kids hurt. Just wait for everyone to start posting, their child didn’t pass this prescreen, or that prescreen. She will begin to feel better!

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Also, I swear, a failed prescreen is better than being dragged along for half the year thinking there is a chance. Someone remind me of that when its my kid next year!


You are so right! You can look at the threads from last year about the multiple levels of auditions that some of the schools did. My S was very happy he didnt pass their prescreens.