The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Oh my gosh. I totally read her callback info wrong and had already booked plane tickets. Lol. Read carefully lesson learned.

this process is brutal, as someone else said above. My DD had some initial positives from prescreens followed by a TON of rejections. It was so tough. Come March though, some really great acceptances started coming in and all was right in the world again.

Keep venting and keep up your own interests and self care, otherwise this process can really swallow you up. The good news is by May 1 your DD will know where she’s going and you too can be a BTDT parent!

Good things are coming… and I agree that it’s better to know now then to feel strung along and not know.


Ok…hot topic. I share this as my own personal vent, not to start a political back and forth. We got a letter from Juilliard yesterday that said anyone not fully vaccinated is unable to audition. There goes my daughters dreams since she was 11 years old. I am absolutely over ALL of this!

Yes, that is the policy for all of NYC! You cant go into any indoor space if you are not fully vaccinated. Get her vaccinated and then you can do anything. You cant eat indoors or go into any performance space as an adult without a vaccine (and I am sure this will extend to kids 5 and up as soon as the vaccine for them rolls out).


Your daughter will run into this requirement to be vaccinated if cast in a professional show, at least in NYC. I know that the shows my own daughter (now a working professional in NYC) is involved in, the entire cast must be vaccinated in order to be in the rehearsal room.

For instance, recently Laura Osnes, a Broadway star, was out of a show she was supposed to do as she would not get vaccinated which was required.


Actually in NYC you can go to a Broadway show if you are not vaccinated. You just have to show proof of a negative Covid test within I think 24-48 hours (hot sure on the hours part). My relative did this at Six a few weeks ago. Wondering if you could offer to show a negative covid test if they would allow it? Worth a shot to ask.


I actually like this rule as it may allow for auditions without a mask on. We had a live audition with masks on (acting) last weekend.


My daughter is a freshman in college this year and it was a requirement that they be vaccinated to attend the school (also in NY). I imagine this is the case at many schools although perhaps they offer religious exemptions?


@dramamama2424 You are talking about attending a Broadway show. I was talking about being a performer in a Broadway or other NYC production.

Here is the information from the Broadway League about attending Broadway shows right now:

Here’s the information from Actors’ Equity Association about cast members needing to be fully vaccinated. Most professional shows in NYC have Equity contracts.


Parents, hang in there, you will make it through it. I know that’s cliché, and maybe on the other side you’ll have more wrinkles and gray hair, but you and your children will survive. I’ve posted before about but wanted to post again in case any of you are looking to add programs to balance out your list or replace prescreen programs. One of the main drivers when we created the online college audition software was to make sure parents and students know there are hundreds of programs beyond the bright and shiny ones (the bright and shiny are great, but as it’s been mentioned in this thread - they only have so many spots available). Every year it seems to get harder - there are so many talented kids out there. Don’t get discouraged, there are lots of great programs to consider. Just keep an open mind when researching. What’s a right fit for your child may not be a right fit for someone else. STAR has information on 345 programs - you can filter by location, discipline and audition type. Sign up is totally free. Hope this helps. Hang in there - before you know it - you’ll be dropping them off at college. Break a leg everyone!

THis was my understanding too, and the linked website does not allow for testing unless there is a valid medical exemption.


Hi Soozievt. I was responding to “helping the kid” who mentioned performance spaces. I work in the biz in NYC so I get the requirements LOL. It’s all good -we’re all just trying to help a frustrated mom;)


Hi my DS is in the throws of this crazy processes. He has Baldwin Wallace on his list. Never heard of it… google results show good things but looking for honest feedback. from parents?


My S23 may do music ed not MT but I too have heard enough positive things about BW that it will likely end up on my sons list too. Interested to hear others opinions.

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Regarding Juilliard audition,
My daughter’s roommate is applying and I could swear the communication she received was in-person auditions required vaccination. Are you sure there isn’t a virtual option?

Yes, per the Julliard audition page it states…
All visitors to Juilliard are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 . This includes any applicant visiting campus for an audition. Individuals are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the final dose of a vaccine authorized by the World Health Organization or the Food and Drug Administration.
Also, per Julliard website…Prescreen/Zoom Required is only for those who reside outside US and Canada. Prescreen/Zoom Optional is only for those who reside in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, or Canada


BW is an extremely competitive program. MT is very difficult to get into. They do not prescreen and they do not attend unifieds. In the past their claim to fame is that all seniors get representation upon graduation. That said it is located in Ohio on a very small campus.


@NYYFanNowMTdad 's D goes to BW, tagging him here so he can give you his thoughts on the program

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hey thanks for tagging me, I dont come here as much anymore but happy to help, the new format has me super confused as well. as far as BW goes of course im a little biased w a Sophmore Daughter loving life in Berea( 10 minutes from Cleveland). Yes its a small school with a conservatory within a LAC. they have Division III athletics and most of the normal college things, my daughter was never interested in Big sports or the sorority scene. She couldn’t be happier, she lives a breathes the arts, her friends are all supportive and everyone gets along well, but these are all HIGHLY talented kids and the auditions for the shows are run like professional auditions its not cut throat but its competitive for sure w roughly 80 super talented kids auditioning for every show, my daughter didnt want the warm and fuzzy environment, she wants to be pushed and she is getting that from Vicky & team, dont get me wrong, she ADORES vicky, Greg and her voice coach, but she wanted to be pushed… as far as their claim to fame being professional representation, it seems recently it goes far beyond that with many of their recent graduates getting cast as Broadway re opens. Im not sure if you have specific questions but happy to answer anything. the class is typically 20-22 with a strong emphasis on diversity: gender is typically about 50/50 last 2 years 12/10 M/F. Vicky is definitely going for an eclectic group with one of DD’s classmates being a TG male. like I said happy to answer any specific questions, all i can tell you is the training is very very strong and the competitiveness of getting accepted is right up there with the most competitive in the country. I think My daughters year there were 850 auditioned for a class of 22. a small few did come off the waitlist, so im guessing something like 30-36 acceptances to yield their class, but again thats a guess. good luck to all during this hectic time. ping me if I can be more helpful. I did review other programs in our final decision post which was quite long for the class of 2024.


Unfortunately there is not an option. It’s in person only.