The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Same with SAG films as well. She was just on the short list for a sag series, and they wanted her to have her shot. She’s in a real dilemma. She’s got some medical issues that really struggle with the vaccine. A lot of complications. BUT, the administration has only limited a medical exemption for a couple of areas. So she doesn’t qualify. Even with a Mayo Clinic doctor saying it’s not a good idea for her. Frustrates me to no get out.

Yeah the mask thing to me is so lame!!

Boy I wish it were that easy for her. The administration only allows for a couple of medical conditions to apply for a medical exemption. Our daughter falls in a category where she shouldn’t get the vaccination because of a preexisting health condition. Her mayo doc agrees she shouldn’t get it. BUT, because it’s not what the administration deems as medically clearable (anaphylaxis allergy to an ingredient in the shot or specific heart condition), the protection doesn’t apply to her. It is the most frustrating thing for me as a mom. Hands down! I wish I could just show proof of negative covid test for her along with a doc letter. I’m going to plead with the school here in December if the policy stays the same.

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Some thing to definitely look into!

That is really helpful. I am so glad your daughter is having such a great experience. I hope you do not mind but I have a few more questions. When I review the shows BW has done the last couple of years, other than the fall show they do shows my son would never get cast in as a white male. I applaud that they are including shows that offer more opportunities for minorities but I need to know that if I am paying for a school he will have opportunities as well. So to make up for this, are there other opportunities besides the main stage productions for MT?

I think there is definitely a push toward diversity in casting at BW & throughout the theater community. The big fall shows the past 2 years have been spring awakening & Into the woods so I think there is equal opportunity for POC and caucasians alike. The winter production this year is Lizzie… there are also things like the Baldwin Wallace Beatles- a band that my daughter is part of, the past year and a half is hard to really judge tbh bc last year all shows were virtual. There was Spring awakenings last year, then there was a show similar to LMM freestyle love supreme ( kind of an Improv type show) & the spring they did a freshman showcase ( title of show) where my daughter who is not a poc got a very big role) so While I do see a push industry wide for casting regardless of ethnicity, I dont see the show selection at BW being an indication of that. there is a separate BFA acting program that holds the plays, & the music conservatory which does Operas, but again last years shows were all virtual, so kind of hard to say how those are cast or selected.


My daughter has applied. It is very competitve. This is a reach school for her. She will be at the February 5th audition. Crossing fingers.


THis is amazing, so exciting to hear that so many of the programs are actually choosing shows that highlight diversity and are choosing classes that force them to have different shows and allow opportunities for all of their students. Not many programs are leading the way in this but good to know there are a few that are.


thank you, that is really helpful. I have a friend who has a daughter at another school in an MT program and at this school typically kids outside specific programs do not get cast beyond their school. Do MT’s get cast in Operas and Acting shows?

OOPs and one more question… Do the students get summer stock?

Thank you for those great words of wisdom! That’s the positive outlook I’m going to adopt!

Most of the kids at BW do summer stock, ONCE AGAIN LAST YEAR WAS UNIQUE in that many of the prior year contracts were honored even though it was cancelled due to covid so I think their were fewer opportunities for FR kids across the board ( a few of my D FR. classmates DID DO summer stock- less than 1/3), my D did summer classes online to complete all her Gen. Eds but hopes to do summer stock this year. The casting agents actually come to BW in the spring for summer stock, so my impression is at BW the kids are not going to the broader summer stock auditions, again LOTS of conjecture due last year being so different based on Covid. I also hear MT kids do get cast in Dance recitals, Operas & plays HOWEVER as my D is a Sophomore our only experience is based on her Fr year which was altered by the covid restrictions. sorry to be redundant. I would simply say if your kid is lucky enough to have a chance to attend BW it should gave significant consideration, it’s a highly selective, highly desirable program. But then again NOT for everyone, if you are considering say Penn state /Michigan/USC/ Arizona VS BW or CMU or BOCO or NYU & want the big school big football experience obviously the former are highly desirable MT programs with big campus/big college FB life.

Thank you - I appreciate your feedback. Since admittedly your child has limited experience based on COVID, agree it might be beneficial to talk to someone with more experience Pre-COVID. I guess I will worry more about it like you say when and if he gets in. My son is currently a student at Interlocken and they are steering him towards the top 10 programs but Mama bear just wants a program where he will have an opportunity to spread his wings.

definitely go WIDE, my Daughter is in a top 10 ( I believe, not looking for a debate) & she had plenty of rejection along the way, including not passing some pre screens at schools most would not say are on the same level as BW…do NOT focus on the top tier programs they all accept 1-3% ( maybe for Males its 5-10% just based on math as they are 50% of the class but less than 1/3 of the auditioners) of the total audition pool. LEAVE YOUR SELF OPTIONS IN THE END

Oh good I’m so glad they were helpful. i had a lot of help last year, right @NYYFanNowMTdad ? He was SO KIND and GENEROUS to me, and he made me promise to give back, so here I am.

I’m rooting for your kiddo keep letting us know how it’s going!

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absolutely, I was just laughing about when you thought you would get shut out, then she CHOSE to do this all over again even though she had options, never know how this will turn out…you would have helped out regardless of me, lots of people here dont like me LOL , remember that @dharmawins

To give you an idea of how competitive BW is, we were told at a tour of the school that they make 25 offers to get a class of 20-22. Its also hard to even get an audition slot. They run out every year.


oh well that makes me like you even more so no worries! my self worth does not hang on what ppl here think of me

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LOVE this advice!! BW was the only WL school my boys wanted to visit. They were very impressed…Me?? I kept thinking, “How many times would I need to visit Berea, OH??” Haha!! I’m joking!! It was lovely. It’s very much about “casting” a wide variety of young artists, in most of these programs. SO many talented kids…but they just may not be what a program needs in their particular year. Also agree, it is DEF a Top 10 program…likely “Tippy Top” for a BM in MT. Best of luck ALL!!!

if I recall your boys ended up at a very very HIGHLY regarded program as well. most land where they are meant to be.