The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

BOCO said 11:59pm March 31

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Has anyone that auditioned for BFA MT at Pace gotten a decision?

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A lot of people on ZeeMee said that they did over the weekend.

We auditioned for both Pace MT and Acting and heard back a few days ago with an acceptance to the BFA Acting program! No offer from MT though

does Pace still call? I’ve heard of people who have gotten phone calls in previous years but haven’t heard of that happening for a bit. Anyone know if its through email, phone, or portal?

It was an update in email to check the portal

Are FSU decisions out?

They are, I got a phone call saying yes, they send out mail for no’s and waitlist

I do know of someone who got into Pace without a call! When my D received a call it was in regards to choosing a program, not letting them know that they got in. The faculty also stated that they do rolling yes’!

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Any idea what time letters usually come out?

Point Park and Emerson acceptances are out, I got into both


Congrats! That’s awesome!

S23 got into Emerson!! :tada:


My D got into Point Park’s MT program


Pretty sure my daughter has been waitlisted at almost every program she applied to. Hope those things move!

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Got into Emerson for Theatre and Performance and Point Park for Theatre Arts!


I just got rejected from Shenandoah’s program, and this one hurts a lot. I know there are no guarantees, but I honestly thought I got on. I had a 15 minute interview, they told me to come up and see the school, and they told me how impressed they were. They also said they’d be in contact very soon. I wouldn’t be so hurt if they didn’t say all that stuff just to be faced with such a harsh rejection. I wasn’t expecting it, because it just didn’t seem at all like a possibility. Is this because I didn’t send a thank you email? I can’t exaggerate how throttled I am. They told me they’d be in contact and how many roles they could see me playing. I just can’t believe this happened. On my birthday no less.

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Roosevelt decisions should be out.

Oh no, I’m so sorry. This process is so hard. There are so many stories like yours about amazing auditions and then a disappointing result. It doesn’t mean they didn’t want you (and of course it doesn’t mean anything negative about your level of talent or your worth). These programs with so many applicants and limited space in the end have to make decisions based on so many factors that are outside our awareness and our control. It sucks. I’m sorry. It was not because you didn’t send a thank you. Hang in there. Wishing you good things to come.