The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Hi everybody! I have a bit of a dilemma that I wish to seek some guidance with from outside perspectives. I’ve recently been accepted to both to Michigan and Missouri State’s BFA in Acting programs, and I’m not sure what to do at this point.

Michigan is my dream school (I should not have even let it become so but audition season has been full of emotions) but I am quite worried about the cost. Financials are a big factor to me and the last thing I want is uncontrollable debt after graduation and trying to enter the workforce. But it’s a dream that is hard to give up.

Michigan is around 56k/y (almost double my FAFSA EFC) and I started crying when I saw this. I’m not sure why I was so surprised—it being an OOS public after all. My parents say that they will be able to work with it if it really means that much, but I am so wrapped up in the price that I don’t know what to do.

At Missouri State I received an OOS tuition waiver+5k/y scholarship, so I am looking around 17k/y currently. My rational brain is telling me it’s a great deal and option, but letting go of a program that has been a goal since middle school is terrifying.

Thanks for letting me ramble, I just needed to vent. Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated—thanks

Hello, does anyone know how strict Syracuse is about students not auditioning while at school. My D recently got a manager and agent but she really wants to go to Syracuse. She doesn’t want to lose her representation or her dream school…

That is such a hard dilemma. Yes, Michigan is incredibly expensive. My D auditioned for Missouri State, but for MT. She has not heard back yet with either a yes or a no. We had heard good things about the BFA MT and Acting programs from people who auditioned in past years. The longtime director of the MT program is retiring, and was not at this year’s auditions. I would assume the acting program is not having a leadership change at the same time.

Has anyone heard from Coastal Carolina University?

Wow. Firstly, congrats! :slight_smile:

Your dilemma can be summarized: A Michigan or a debt-free career start?
(It’s unfortunate that college is so costly that young adults have to ponder this.)

Only you can decide this, but doing similar research for my DD, I recently bumped into a very informative discussion on Reddit. The data might help you to build an informed opinion. Pay special attention to their mention of “Young Adult Pilot Bookings.”

Here it goes:

My wishes of best luck, but mostly happiness in your path. :wink:

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Does boco’s results come out tmrw?

If Michigan’s cost is double your EFC, then Michigan should be offering you reduced tuition to at least your EFC? Have they given you a financial aid letter? I think the Michigan BFA is a sound career investment. You’ll be able to pay it off. If you’re talented and responsible enough to be accepted there, you’re the kind of person who will have great earning power in your future career. Sometimes in life you have to take a calculated risk and this is one of those times for you. You can manage it.

Has anybody heard a decision from Temple or at least when they’re gonna send them out, because it’s been radio silence for 2 months now. I’m not sure if I should email somebody or just wait a couple more days.

I dont think that Michigan meets need for out of state students, only in state. That may be the issue here.


thought it might be helpful to some to share my final results! I applied to a mix of both musical theater and acting programs, and a few liberal arts BA programs as well. In total I applied to 13 schools, which is less than most people, but it worked out well for me!

Elon University - BFA MT

University of Michigan - BFA MT
University of Michigan - BFA Acting
University of New Hampshire - BA MT
Ithaca College - BFA MT
Otterbein University - BFA MT
The Hartt School (U Hartford) - BFA MT
Syracuse University - BFA MT
Syracuse University - BFA Acting (listed as backup/2nd choice)
Boston University - BFA Acting (MT Certificate offered)

Northwestern University - BA Theater, MT Certificate supplement
Bowdoin College - BA Theater & Dance
New York University - BFA MT (I applied only to nsb, not all studios)
Brown University - BA Theater
Princeton University - BA Music (Acting and MT Certificates offered)

University of Michigan - BFA MT
Ithaca College. - BFA MT
Boston University - BFA Acting
New York University - BFA MT
Princeton University - BA Music
Brown University - BA Theater

University of Michigan - BFA Acting
University of New Hampshire - BA MT
Otterbein University - BFA MT
The Hartt School (U Hartford) - BFA MT
Bowdoin College - BA Theater & Dance
Northwestern University - BA Theater, MT Certificate supplement
Syracuse University - BFA MT

Still debating and weighing options, but I’m choosing between: BFA Acting at University of Michigan, BFA MT at Syracuse, and BA Theater at Northwestern! Although it will likely come down to financial stuff, opinions are welcome.


Wow, that was really truly kind of you to say…the 56k is from my initial financial aid package that I received last night. Both my FAFSA and the Michigan institutional methodology (what the net price calculator is based on) had my EFC at 24-26k/y. Something doesn’t seem right, but I’m going to sit down with my parents this weekend, talk over my options, and make a plan forward. I don’t bet that aid will be added if I were to appeal but I’m going to try my best to make it a reality:)

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Such a tough choice! Congrats! Really curious what you decide! My daughter currently debating Syracuse Acting (wanted MT) and a couple of great MT offers. Those redirects sure do confuse things, don’t they?

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Congratulations! Michigan does have an appeal process so I would definitely reach out to them and ask about it. It is worth trying. I would also contact financial aid and see what they say. I would try today if you can before they release RD for the other colleges. SMTD is very responsive to questions. My DD is a freshman dance major in SMTD.

Elon University - BFA MT

University of Michigan - BFA MT
Carnegie Mellon-BFA MT

Penn State-BFA MT
Ithaca College - BFA MT
Texas State-BFA MT

Point Park-BFA MT

Rider-BFA MT

Cal State Fullerton-BFA MT
Syracuse University - BFA MT

Boston Conservatory-BFA MT


Montclair-BFA MT


Ithaca College

Penn State


Carnegie Mellon

University of Michigan



Texas State


Boston Conservatory

Rider University

Point Park

Cal State Fullerton


My D is still debating going to Syracuse or Boco!


Thank you! Yes, it’s definitely a tough decision. Currently Northwestern is the only one financially possible for me, but we will see if anything changes after appealing the other two!

Just ask again, anyone have some idea how Long Island MT program compares with PACE and Temple?

Is your daughter a recent alum? Because when you visit NYU and in their info sessions they are very clear that merit scholarships are not offered and aid is strictly need based. Therefore, the EFC is what you may be held to…which for many of us is far beyond what we can actually pay now that the school is 90,000/yr.

My daughter is a junior Acting major at Syracuse. If anyone has any questions I might be able to answer feel free to message me.

No my daughter is not a recent alum. However, now NYU meets 100% need, which they didn’t when she attended. In any case, we were happy with the scholarship amount.

Almost there. 9 years of training for this moment. My daughter applied to and passed prescreens with:

  • TCU
  • Oklahoma
  • Indiana
  • CCM
  • Baldwin Wallace
  • Texas State
  • Elon
  • FSU
  • Shenadoah
  • Rider
  • Boco
  • about 10 other schools that we decided not to pursue further.

down to 2 with Final Acceptances to: Rider and Boco. We just visited Rider’s BFA day and planning a BoCo trip next week. Net Cost is comparable. Any thoughts on Rider vs BoCo?

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