The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

My son missed the deadline to turn in his prescreens for Fullerton. Oh well! Any word on SDSU or LBSU?

I think USC invitations to audition come out this week, too. Their site says mid-January.

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CSU, Chico has a BFA, Musical Theatre program that is non-audition. My daughter had a Zoom call with the Head of the program. Very impressive and progressive. Chico has shed it’s old persona as a party school.

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MY D didn’t apply to them.
So far, she has auditions for CALARTS, Carnegie, Boston, UNCSA, and NYU.

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Boston College or BU? My S hasn’t heard back from his prescreens for BC yet.

Did everyone get a CalArts audition? That’s how I think it works because they got back to me super fast, but maybe I’m wrong.

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Boston University.


I think it’s the applicant’s choice whether or not to audition, but not sure.

I found in last year’s MT thread that UCLA did send out notes to a group of applicants to have them address and re-submit their videos. Later they were invited to a zoom meeting and a one-on-one interview. That came out in February.

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Has anyone heard from USC BFA for MT today? They were supposed to announce in person audition decisions today.

Not yet :frowning_face:

The admissions Twitter said they were releasing overall Early Action results on the 20th. Maybe they are too busy… Or maybe my kiddo was not invited to audition…

I read from another group saying that it might be today, but last year they pushed it all the way to Feb. 1. Live auditions are supposed to be 2/18-19.

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USC Callback notifications for MT and Acting are in! S23 passed and will be attending their callback weekend on 2/17-18 on campus!


Would someone be willing to share what the Michigan on campus audition is like? Did you get any redirects? How is the dance? Thanks!

Oh… D didn’t pass on this one.

does passed mean you were accepted artistically?

no, it means you were invited to audition live

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re: UMich dance, My kid said the dance was fun. It was supposed to be from 3:15-4:30 but it actually went over by almost an hour. There were about 45 kids in the group and after they learned it, they performed it in groups of 6. My kid is rusty on dance and she said it wasn’t too hard. Overall, she actually enjoyed the dance call, which surprised her. Hope that helps.

Thanks! What about in the audition room? Did they ask for anything extra? Make conversation? Or was it pretty much in and out?

When we were there they were having the kids perform the 2 song cuts but only 1 monologue. I’m not sure if it was like that on other days or just our audition date. There was some chit-chat in the room but it was all relatively quick - my student was in there about 10 minutes.

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