<p>li'l brudder, bird knows what i am talking about !@#$%^&*()_+</p>
<p>no he doesn't (^<em>&%$</em><em>)((&</em>^</p>
<p>late nights</p>
<p>stupid.......BTW my !@#$%^&*()_+ is always the same and is not just random</p>
<p>early mornings.................my computer crapped out on me</p>
<p>night, that would be the cc server !@#$%^&()_+</p>
<p>look at me 1234567890-= errr</p>
<p>shift !@#$%^&*()_+</p>
<p>look at me i am a rolling ball of meat, durr</p>
<p>you would working at SUBWAY, hey I'd like some special vinegar. You feed Jacub those subs?</p>
<p>no kori gets them, remember?</p>
<p>make sure you put one word to play</p>
<p>mine is "no"</p>
<p>dont ruin the freakin game</p>
<p>crap,.........its him, i had "no"</p>
<p>jeremy !@#$%^&*()_+</p>
<p>sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutah </p>
<p>technically its a different word</p>
<p>same !@#$%^&*()_+</p>
<p>Richard, whats your obsession with Jeremy?</p>
<p>flame, what are you talking about mr i have men in skipy underwear on my wall?</p>