<p>Surprised we don't have one of these for all of the STEM kids on here :p
I'm sure you know the drill - post specs of your laptops/desktops, and hopefully we can make some nerdy kids drool.</p>
<p>But sadly mine won't.</p>
<p>Laptop: 6 year old Sony Vaio, dual core T6600 2.2 ghz, radeon 4650, 4 GB ddr3, 500 GB HDD (5400 rpm?), 15.6 in. 1600x900, battery life of 8 minutes</p>
<p>Desktop: 3(?) year old Dell XPS, i5-2300 2.8 ghz, radeon 6770, 8 GB ddr3, 1 TB HDD (7200 rpm), 20 inch Asus monitor 1080p</p>
<p>I'm thinking of buying a Lenovo Y50 as a college laptop, although it's a bit heavy and before senior year might be a bit too early (4.9 lbs, but so great for the price - $1100 for an i7, 860m, 8 GB, hybrid HD with 8 GB SSD and 1 TB HD, 15.6 in. 1080p touch screen)</p>
<p>On a side note, HSL needs a gaming thread as well.</p>
<p>Asus in general are very reliable and well priced, not sure on that specific series but if you like what you see you can probably rest assured you are paying a good price for it.</p>
<p>honestly I don’t game very much I just like nice things :3
I get into periods when I play every day and some months I don’t, but I play more casual games like TF2</p>
<p>i5 and i3 are reasonable for laptops, you need something decent to avoid bottlenecking the more powerful GPUs, although I think an i7 really is overkill right now. But futureproofed stuff is nice :)</p>
<p>Got my graphics card 3 years ago, and then built a whole new desktop about 1.5 years ago.</p>
4gb ddr3
GTX 560 Ti
640gb HDD
Dual monitor (both 1080p, 24" and 23.6")</p>
<p>Some of the stuff my brother gave to me since he had extra (like the RAM, which limits me a little sometimes), and the HDD was from my old desktop, but it works out fine for me. I hardly even use it to play newer games now, only tf2 really (which definitely doesn’t need these specs). Still happy with it though, and it should last me a while.</p>
<p>Two dell displays, both 1920x1080. Also have my Sennheiser HD 380 Pro headphones (which I love, highly recommended for the money). Built it a while ago. I’d like to eventually upgrade it, but given the fact that I just haven’t been playing that many video games anymore (used to play StarCraft II pretty competitively, only top 10% in the world right now) and that I’m going to college soon, I don’t think I’ll be upgrading this any time soon. Did just get a new NZXT Phantom case because my Rosewell had a lot of problems, but I just can’t see myself investing money into this before I go to college.</p>
<p>^ do you plan on bringing your desktop with you to college?
I’ve seen a lot of gamers tend to do this but I feel in a such limited dorm space it would be quite weird to keep a giant glowing gaming tower in there</p>
<p>@foolish I have no plans to bring my desktop with me to college. I actually plan on quitting gaming for good soon, but for different reasons than going to college. Long story short, I’ll probably play a few new single player games from time to time, but I don’t expect to be doing anything competitive in college. At home I may play some competitive FPS/RTS games if there’s anything good, but I just expect to pick up major AAA releases that I’m anticipating like the new Mass Effect when it comes out ^_^</p>