The Cost of Braces

<p>We paid half down and rest over 24 monhs. For most, Invisalign generally costs more rather than less. Insurance may or may not cover a portion of orthodontic care. Many dental insurance policies max out at around $1000.</p>


<p>braces in my country cost way less than in the USA, actually any medical or whatever csts significantly less. My braces were around 1500...yeah thats right.. and I ened up with a pretty nice smile. Another thing that you can compare to see the differences in costs is teeth whitening. I believe whitening in the US goes fomr like 350 to 700, meanwhile I can ge thte same treatment here for 250...yeah I love purchasing power parity in LDCs</p>

<p>What country are you in?</p>

<p>what is LDCs??</p>

<p>I live in costa rica.</p>

<p>LDC: Lesser developed countries</p>

<p>In my country it costs around 700$. I live in a tourist city, and more than half of Americans get some sort of medical treatment besides holidaying here. It still costs less.</p>