The Countdown

<p>Good luck, Brownies!</p>

<p>I absolutely feel your pain. All the best from a Harvard hopeful!</p>

<p>what a painful half hour to go lol</p>

<p>another harvard hopeful here--
good luck all!!</p>

<p>expletive. expletive. expletive.
i can't feel anything below my waist.</p>

<p>twking, you live in neuss!
i sang in your hotel!!
you gave me a little yellow heart pin!
sorry, distractions...i like distractions.</p>

<p>15 minutes!!!</p>


<p>No way, popartpoptart!</p>

<p>When and why did that happen ?</p>

<p>holy cow, nine minutes.</p>

<p>less than 10 minutess....</p>

<p>I want to throw up.
I'm a complete wreck, I can barely type.</p>

<p>you guys are too cute</p>

<p>this is going to be me in 48 hours</p>

<p>the best of luck guys!</p>

<li>another harvard EAer :D</li>

<p>with all of us pulling for you how can you go wrong?</p>

<p>The moment is SO close. I don't know why, but I feel like this is MY decision waiting for me around the corner. :) Heads straight up!</p>

<p>from a brown 09er, good luck brown EDers!!!!</p>

<p>Good luck all of you!</p>

<p>The time is NOW! I guess you are all checking right now....</p>


<p>Before people post results...</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you! I look forward to seeing as many as possible of you here at Brown next year. And to those of you who didn't make it -- the fact that you had the guts to apply to Brown means that you're definitely gonna get into an awesome school that'll be very lucky to have you.</p>

<p>the site went down, must be putting them decisions up right now ooooh</p>


<p>hmm...summer 2004, twking. American Music Abroad. I remember, because your hotel was the nicest we had been to in Germany...i still have that pin. That's awesome. I hope you get in to Harvard, people from Neuss rock.</p>