The Decisions This Year Seem Pretty Random

<p>So the last of my decisions came out today(way to take your time UCI) and the acceptances/rejections I got this year seem all over the place.</p>

<p>Berkeley: ACCEPTED (Spring Admit)
Santa Barbara: ACCEPTED
Irvine: ACCEPTED (Winter Admit)
Riverside: ACCEPTED
Santa Cruz: REJECTED
Merced: ACCEPTED</p>

<p>Did anyone else get results like this?</p>

<p>Any suggestions to where I should go?</p>

<p>If I were you I would probably go to a school where I was accepted to start in the fall, unless you have a compelling love for one of the UC's where you would be required to start late. If you do really want to go to a school where you have been offered late start then I would definately look into starting in the fall in their extension program. That's my 2 cents for what it's worth. :)</p>

<p>No, collegemom, they are not just two cents</p>

<p>to me</p>


<p>golden nuggets of wisdom.....that's epic haha</p>

<p>What kind of stats did you have, Grover? Those do seem random.</p>

<p>3.1 UC GPA...yeah -_-;;
2240 SAT
770, 700 SAT II's in Spanish and Literature
National Merit Finalist
Bunch of EC's and community service
Essay, I wrote about my dad's diabetes and subsequent blindness, which led to job loss...and yeah</p>


<p>random, eh?</p>

<p>Not really, your stats are odd, so many colleges may view it in a different lights, or you may not reach enough points (like @ SD) because your higher SAT can't compensate enough for your really low GPA.</p>

<p>3.6 GPA weighted
1820 SAT
650, 550 SAT II's
some EC's and decent amount of comm. service- tennis, piano</p>

<p>rejected from UCD and UCSD
got into UCI, Cal poly SLO, UCSC, UCR, SJSU</p>

<p>@ chexmixbbq, how is that random?</p>

<p>grover- rej at SC and in at Cal is pretty random</p>

<p>doesn't Cal have the extension program for fall? why not just do that?</p>

<p>the random thing for my d was rej at UCLA, accepted at Cal..
all the others were as expected</p>

<p>but at UCLA she applied for Marine Bio and at Cal for College of Nat Resources, not sure if that explains anything..supposedly CNR uses same criteria as rest of Cal...maybe Marine Bio at UCLA is impacted or something?</p>

<p>No offense (really) but I'm pretty surprised you got into Berkeley with that UC GPA.</p>

<p>Anyway, I would probably go with Berkeley because it's a lot better than any other UCs that you got in.</p>

<p>random cuz,... i really didnt think i was going to make UCI if i didnt make Davis...</p>

<p>Why would you say that chexmixbbq? UCD and UCI are considered equal, are both in the same tier and quite similar in the students they admit.</p>

<p>^ thats exactly what im saying. i got rejected from Davis a few weeks ago, so i thought I had no chance for UCI, but i got in last friday. =)</p>

<p>Mine were sorta random too...</p>

<p>UC Davis - Rejected
UCSD - Accepted
UCSB - Accpeted
UCI - Accepted
UCLA - Rejected (not so surprsing)</p>

<p>I guess it would seem more random to be to be rejected at UCSC and accepted at UCB.</p>

<p>chexmixbbq what major?</p>

<p>computer science and engineering(ICS)</p>

<p>think about the competetiveness as well. With a 3.1 gpa, it may be too competetive at cal (or it may not depending on how hard you work). Just remember that you could go to a great school like Davis or Irvine and be mid to upper tier as competetion is not as crazy at those schools than it is at Cal. </p>

<p>My acceptances werent random at all but i know of a few friends who got cal and no ucla or vice versa. Sometimes, colleges know you will matriculate a higher college so they don't accept you based on the terms of, i guess, over qualification. I've heard of many cases of that for la and cal. </p>

<p>accepted: cal poly slo, davis, irvine, sd, la, berkeley
rejected: duke, usc (okay that one was kind of weird)
waitlist: cornell</p>

<p>In my experience, hs GPA does not reflect how well you'll do in college. It is a good estimate of how hard you'd try in college. I have friends who got 4.1 UC GPA and are now struggling at Irvine. </p>

<p>What I'm saying is I think OP will do fine at Cal.</p>