The Defenestration of Dartmouth...5 PM March 31st

<p>here ye, here ye...</p>

<p>come one, come all!</p>

<p>acceptees welcome.</p>

<p>Yay, first to post!</p>

<p>kill me now. no likely letter, i may as well start crying over a rejection already</p>

<p>and doesnt defenestration mean "to throw out of a window?</p>

<p>Omg, only 25% of accepted students get a likely letter. Don’t bring that negativity to CC. We don’t need to doubt ourselves this close to March 31. Please do your complaining elsewhere. Most of us still have hope. If you were being sarcastic, I forgive you. However, if you weren’t, don’t drag all of our hopes down!</p>

<p>^I second that. But, I will pass on the Defenestration…</p>

<p>btw… does defenestration come from a french origin, since fenetre is window in french??</p>

<p>haha of course, i was being facetious (favorite word!!). </p>

<p>yeah it comes from french. kinda made me laugh…“the throwing of dartmouth out of a window”</p>

<p>I think the Defenestration part is akin to Stanford Slaughter, MIT Massacre, Cornell Castration, etc…
As in, Ivy League mass rejection!
Which I will most likely be a part of, unfortunately.</p>

<p>No likely letter here, either allie33</p>

<p>Guys, you can’t just go around preventively calling things slaughters or massacres… or defenestrations.</p>

<p>It’s only an after-the-fact thing.</p>

<p>Stanford and MIT literally were tough on its applicants, rejecting many, many qualified people.</p>

<p>You can’t say that in advance for Dartmouth. For all we know, it’ll be very kind to CCers.</p>

<p>ehehe, I really like the reference to the historical event…(unless you actually didn’t intend to make a ref? :stuck_out_tongue: )</p>

<p>I’m excited for March 31st, it’ll be one of the biggest days of my life OMG!</p>

<p>I hope I would get in. Any of you from Vietnam?</p>


<p>No, but I’m actually visiting there soonish.</p>

<p>I will bet that I am rejected. Any takers?</p>


<p>and I will pray for your acceptance.</p>

<p>and yes, defenestration is most certainly a historical reference.</p>

<p>all of you Dartmouth applicants of course know about the defenestration of Prague…</p>

<p>…out the window and onto a pile of pig *****.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Its technically defenestration at Prague, as its difficult to throw an entire city throw a window. On that note, defenestration evokes a thought of humiliation, rather than abject slaughter - I don’t think its an appropriate adjective to describe the admissions decision this year.</p>

<p>thread containing words like massacre, slaughter, decimation etc scare me
especially when you’re gonna be undergoing them soon/already have undergone them</p>


<p>defenestration comes from the latin word for window, fenestra</p>

<p>And yeah, it should be defenestration at Prague, but it’s just called the defenestration of Prague. Like Prague’s Defenestration? </p>

<p>Aaaand I’m home sick and way too bored…</p>


<a href=“http://i41.■■■■■■■.com/5yyau1.jpg[/IMG]”>http://i41.■■■■■■■.com/5yyau1.jpg


<p>That’s hilarious, Sherlock!</p>

<p>hahahaha 10char</p>

<p>Gotta have hope, y’all. Until you check your status on 3-31-09 at 5pm CST, you still can have hope. Think positive thoughts, breathe deeply, relax. Got yoga?</p>

<p>Good luck to us all.</p>