***The Definitive Wisconsin Housing Thread (Public)***

<p>Hey everyone, for those of you admitted into Wis-Mad and are currently deciding on your housing preferences, I created this thread in hope that current Wis-Mad students can share with us their experiences. I got some information from another thread, and I will update it as additional info gets posted by other users.</p>

<p>Bear in mind that the info provided is by no means exhaustive, and it is definitely subjective. However, I hope it might give you a better idea of what to expect in terms of culture and environment - basically the intangibles that numbers cannot measure.</p>

<p>A big thank you to the user who provided this info in some other thread, please leave a name and maybe more detailed info. Very much appreciated! Without further ado, here we go!</p>

<p>The dorms are split into 2 regions: Lakeshore and Southeast</p>


<p>Elizabeth Waters





<p>General Comments:</p>

<p>1) Lakeshore has gained the reputation of being full of losers who don't party and sit in their rooms studying all day (which is not true, I live there and we have our fair share of drugs, alcohol, and partying)</p>

<p>2) Southeast on the other hand is a lot crazier than Lakeshore. If I don't see strobe lights and people screaming out the windows when I walk by at night, I know something is wrong. This is especially true at Sellery and Witte.</p>

<p>3) Sellery and Witte are the 2 very basic dorms (and also the 2 largest on campus), so they'll be the cheapest on the Southeast side. In between them is Gordon Commons, so you have your food right there. The Kohl Center and SERF are nearby as well, and State Street is very close.</p>

<p>4) Ogg and Smith will cost you extra, but they are a lot nicer (nice high ceilings, bathrooms shared by less people, etc.). Ogg is close to Witte and Sellery while Smith is maybe a block farther, but it has a small cafeteria in the building.</p>

<p>5) I think you'll get the best social experience in a public dorm, especially Witte and Sellery. And if you have a choice between Witte and Sellery, Sellery is about a block closer to classes which makes a big difference in the winter.</p>

<p>You'll get a good social experience in other public dorms as well. Look through old UW threads from the past couple of years for many comments about the dorms that are still relevant. Concentrate on many factors other than a "party" reputation and you will find people like yourself in your chosen area. It is exciting to think of all of the freedoms and "college lifestyle" while you are a HS senior, but the reality is that no matter where you live you will need to study to stay in school and you can find social people. Don't forget that you will meet people in classes and any other activities, you are not limited to those people you share a dorm with for your social life.</p>

<p>You are forgetting Barnard unless you cover it when you say Chadbourne.</p>

<p>You're also forgetting Merit and Susan B Davis for Southeast. Susan B Davis is all non-freshman though, but then again, so is Tripp. Transfers can still consider them, however.</p>

<p>does anyone know anything about the susan b davis house? i read it was all singles and all non-freshman, but that there are only 30 people in the whole building. is that true?</p>

<p>It's a very small older dorm that used to be run as a co-op where the residents did some work around the place in exchange for lower costs. Not sure if they still do that.</p>

<p>You can read the online brochures on the UW- Res Halls site</p>

<p>Any1 know which dorms are older and maybe scheduled for renovation in the future?</p>

<p>You can find the history of each dorm on the same website. Barnard was built in 1913, some are 1920's, Liz is 1940, some late '50's to mid 60's, Ogg and Smith past few years. All of the older dorms have been renovated periodically- no major changes planned soon. Res Halls has kept up with things so aside from the more expensive dorms there are similar amenities in each one. All buildings have pros and cons- location, style, etc. I would not worry about being in the "worst dorm on campus"- personal preferences determine which dorms you rank highest. There are also ongoing plans to keep the buildings in good shape- you can find this on the website also (replacing aging windows, for example- this has been done for some, others become due for it).</p>

<p>I was the one who wrote this info in the other thread, and I think I need to clarify it a little bit. The OP of that thread wanted to live in southeast, so that's why most of the info was about southeast and not lakeshore. That's also why I recommended Sellery or Witte. I didn't mean that you won't have a good social experience in other dorms, just that these dorms seemed to fit what the OP was looking for.</p>

<p>A friend from Wis-Mad has told me that Ogg is more expensive, though it looks pretty swanky for a dorm. Lakeshore tends to be quieter, and much more picturesque. I think lakeshore is a good fit for me :)</p>

<p>after doing a little research, i have liz waters, cole/sullivan and kronshage in my sights. can anyone please tell me a little more about it please? thanks!</p>

<p>Liz Waters has the best location combining lake views and short walk to many classes, State Street, the Union, etc. Also has cafeteria right in the building so no cold mornings out to get some breakfast. I think Liz is great.</p>

<p>However- the other lakeshore dorms are closer to the lake (Liz is at the top of the hill- steep paths) and closer to snack bars, later dining hall hours. "Six of one, half a dozen of the other" so don't obsess about your choices. The most major one is lakeshore/southeast for locations. Also- Liz is popular so it is good to have a mindset of being enthusiastic about the other lakeshore choices. Remember there is a wealth of info on the website and Google Earth for info. </p>

<p>Cole/S are '60's era dorms with 4 floors and 2 wings, they renovated them to take away the split down the middle built ins. Kronshage is much older, 8 different houses/buildings of 3 stories with built in dressers. Holt Commons with dining hall, coffee shop is "on the way" to classes and close by. Computer center in the basement of the central Kronshage buildings. Tennis courts near Cole. All not too far from the Natatorium. Steenbock (Ag) library close for studying. Liz is basically 5 buildings of 4 stories each connected by halls and stairs- no horizontal elevator, only the standard one in the center. Liz has slightly larger rooms than any other regular dorm. I have or lived in or recently seen all of those dorms and can give pros and cons for each- it really is a personal preference for the little things or a coin toss.</p>

<p>S is in Liz Waters and loves it! Staying in it another year........ Very close to a lot of his classes...</p>

<p>He needs to move out and make room for the new kids ;-). I never lived in Liz but ate lunch there often as it was close to my classes and I could buy meal tickets back then for $.50 on the $1.00. Even their food seemed a little better than Gordo.</p>

<p>since i would like to stay in lakeshore and in dorms with no extra charges/program fees, that only leaves me with Liz waters, kronshage, cole and sullivan, slichter and tripp?</p>

<p>out of these 6, can anyone rank them in terms of how well they are maintained? thanks for the info!</p>

<p>I have never seen anything written about Freidrick. It is the furthest and looks closest to Lake. I know it is extra $ and has a washroom in every 2 person room. Is that the only reason for the additional $600 a year. Anybody know anything about it?</p>

<p>It was designed as a dorm for adults taking short seminars at the UW so it has better rooms and more baths. That's about it.</p>

<p>I find this thread interesting - everyone posts like the new students actually get a choice. UW-Housing is basically a lottery. Why give incoming students hope that they'll get what they pick. Especially when talking about Ogg and Smith.</p>