The Die is Cast...Chances ED at Penn

<p>Submitted my Penn ED App! Chances there and at others RD plz!</p>


<p>Eth: Indian
Sex: Male
State: NJ
Grad Year: 2009
Major: Biomedical Engineering (probably w/ premed focus)
School: Very Competitive (I am submerged in a sea of Asian nerds's awful)
Courseload: Counselor has told me she will indicate "most rigorous" on app.
Grading System: (frosh/soph) A- = 90-95%; A = 95%+ :(
(junior/senior) A - = 90-92%; A = 93%+ :)
*GPA is a combo of the two scales so kinda skewed</p>

<p>*Frosh/Soph/Junior GPA: *</p>

<li>UW - 3.85; W - 4.19</li>

<p>Soph/Junior GPA:</p>

<li>UW - 3.87; W - 4.31</li>

<p>GPA Summary:</p>

<li>A mixture of A’s and A-‘s with two career B+’s (one in AP English and one in Alg II Honors (the most horrendous teacher I have ever had, end of story)). </li>


<li>School doesn't submit rank to colleges. Counselor says I’m probably in the top 5% and possibly higher out of 700.</li>

<p>AP's (Total of 11):</p>

<li>Physics B (4…took frosh year)</li>
<li>Chemistry (5)</li>
<li>Calculus BC (5)</li>
<li>English Language and Composition (4)</li>
<li>Computer Science A (4…I dunno wth happened…)</li>
<li>Biology (taking)</li>
<li>Art History (taking)</li>
<li>Economics (taking)</li>
<li>Statistics (taking)</li>
<li>English Literature (taking)</li>
<li>Computer Science AB (taking)</li>

<p>*All other courses = Honors (except 2 yrs of Foreign Lang, PE, and 2 yrs of computer-related electives)</p>


<p>SAT: M - 800; CR - 740; W - 800; T - 2340 (1540)
SAT IIs: Chem – 800; Math II – 800; Should I take another?</p>

Counselor – She told me she was going to write an awesome rec .
Teachers - One good from Eng more about personality (not the highest eng grade in class unfortunately (B+), but it is considered one of our school's toughest classes). One likely awesome rec from AP Chem teacher.
Supplemental - Prof from Rutgers who was my research mentor.</p>


<p>NJ Science League
- Partipant 10th
- Competitive Testing in Chem I
- Qualifying Test followed by Regional Test each month from Jan. - Apr.</p>

<p>NJ Chemistry Olympics
- Competition in chemistry entered in year of AP Chem (11th)
- Club meets every week from Jan. to competition day in May
- Participated in a Research Competition </p>

<p>Medical Careers Club
- Member 10th - 11th
- 12th VP</p>

<p>Science Competitor's Club
- Member 10th - 11th
- Officer 11th; Co-Prez 12th
- Basically participates in a lot of science competitions and such.</p>

<p>Junior Statesmen of America
- Member 9th - 10th
- Club Officer 11th and 12th (I write our weekly resolutions, occasionally moderate debates, and speak frequently)
- New Jersey Region Cabinet Member 11th (write debates on state level for regional conventions)
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Director in 12th (responsible for organizing the debating for multi-state conventions)
- Significant involvement in politics/oratory = my other passion besides science. </p>

<p>March of Dimes
- Member 10th - 12th
- Volunteer hours and fundraising
- Tedious but rewarding process = soliciting funds; selling tickets; organizing large-scale cultural show. </p>

<p>Genetics Research
- Summer of 2007 and 2008
- 8 hrs/day, 5 days/wk for ~6-8 wks
- Research conducted with drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies); focused on determining the use of RNAi in restricting cancerous overgrowth caused by genetic mutations last summer.
- Worked on identifying mutations for restricting cellular overgrowth; related to leukemia in humans. </p>

<p>Community Service
- ~ 300 hrs
- Local hospital (oncology), senior center, and March of Dimes</p>

<p>Robert Wood Johnson Mini-Medical Program
- Participated in a several week long program at RWJ Medical School consisting of 2 hr Wednesday seminars to talk w/ doctors, students, etc. Nothing big, but it's demonstrated interest right?</p>

<p>Intramural Tennis
- 6th-12th Grade (Club level)
- Summer tennis camp in 2005 and 2006</p>

-1 hr private lessons weekly since the 7th grade
-No significant recitals, awards, etc. Just a pure hobby.</p>

<p>Leadership Summary:</p>

<li>Junior Year: JSA (Chapter and State), Science Competitor's Club</li>
<li>This Year: JSA (Chapter and Region), Science Competitor's Club (Prez), Med Careers (VP). </li>

<p>Honors, Recognitions, Awards (Weak by CC standards…):</p>

<p>Commendation from Governor/NJ State Legislature
- For our entire chapter which set up a March of Dimes fundraiser that raised thousands of $'s.</p>

<p>JSA Best Speaker Awards
- Several in recognition of various debate performances.</p>

<p>National Latin Exam
- Silver Medal in 9th; Gold Medal in 10th; Gold Medal 11th</p>

<p>National Honors Society/National Latin Honors Society
- 11th </p>

<p>National Merit Semifinalist
- PSAT: 226</p>

<p>AP Scholar w/ Distinction
- Preceding College Apps. </p>

<p>NJ Chemistry Olympics
- Silver Medal at NJ State Level for performing experiments related to environmental chemistry, writing a lengthy report, and presenting the findings (two-person team though, and forgive my lack of modesty, it felt more like a one-man job).</p>

<p>*My AP Chem teacher is going to mention all the chem-related achievements/activities in his rec. </p>

<p>Chances For:</p>

<li>UPenn (ED) </li>
<li>Cornell </li>
<li>Duke </li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon</li>
<li>UMich </li>
<li>New York University</li>
<li>Rutgers (Safety... getting full tuition/room/board :))</li>

<p>I’m going to bet that you make it in ED at Penn.</p>

<p>No guarantees, just a gut feeling.</p>

<p>OMG. chill out. how many chances threads are u gonna make?</p>

<p>as many as it takes…haha jk</p>

<p>I just want as many opinions as possible…seeing as these are ALL opinions, I’m trying to see exactly how confident people are I’m going to make it…that’s all…</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply smart.cookie</p>

<p>Opinions don’t matter… lighten up. It’s going to be out in a little over a month…</p>

<p>What would you rather have? People saying you’re great and getting rejected or people saying you suck and then getting accepted? I’ll answer whatever makes you feel better…</p>

<p>i think you will get in — especially since u ED’d</p>

<p>penn acceptance for ED is like 30%</p>

<p>as opposed to 16% overall</p>

<p>If you write good essays, you’ll be in for sure. Otherwise anything can happen.</p>

<p>My essays were pretty good overall…a lot of people said that they really said a lot about me.</p>

<p>right so bump…</p>

<p>okay wow bump again</p>

<p>I’d say for the most part in at Penn ED, but with an ivy like that and their engineering school, you really are never 100% sure. I’d say your chances are very very good though! Let me know what happens in a month!</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Looks like the Glutinous Old Pigs (figure it out! :)) are having a bad night…BUMP!</p>

<p>Okay bump again…</p>

<p>You’ve got a solid chance at Penn ED with great SAT’s and transcript and EC’s. Nobody on here is going to say that youre guaranteed to make it in or that you have no shot, so you can chill with the bumping…haha
Good luck</p>

<p>Do you have any idea how long 1.5 months can feel when you’re expecting the decision of your life?..alright this my last bump jeez…Thanks for your comment.</p>

<p>Haha I am also brown!!
You have very good ECs, especially since they show a big interest in science, which is what you want to do. This helps a lot. Good standardized test scores. Grades are pretty good too…a lot better than mine. Anyways, Chances:

  • UPenn (ED) - Good shot, especially since you applied ED…but its hard to tell since its an ivy and a lot of applicants qualify
  • JHU - Match
  • Cornell - Low Reach/High Match (IVY!!)
  • Columbia - Low Reach/High Match (yet another ivy)
  • Duke - Match
  • Carnegie Mellon - Match
  • UMich - Match
  • New York University - In
  • Rutgers (Safety… getting full tuition/room/board ) - this is a dream school buddy, not a safety…99% chance for a rejection
    So basically its hard to predict for the ivies since anything can happen. Rutgers is a definite rejection. Very good shot at everything else.</p>

<p>I will appreciate it if you would chance me:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>yeah you have reeeallly good chance. calm down…please. just wait 3 more weeks and you’ll know :slight_smile: I applied for ED SEAS at penn too… undecided though. Your scores are better than mine. I have a bit more leadership, though our ECs are pretty even. Does commendation from state representative count as an honor?? I got bunch of commendations for winning the championship for 3 years in a row, but I never put down anything about the commendations cuz I thought that winning the championship covers everything already. anyways, i bet you are going to get in. i’d be already relieved if I had your scores…</p>

<p>why are you so uptight???</p>

<p>my man you need to just relax… i applied ED also but your anxiety is just gona increase more and more with these posts, you know you have a good chance at getting in so theres no reason to keep posting these threads just to hear other peoples opinions lol you know you have a good shot already!!! stop stressin because its not gona change anything</p>

<p>“Do you have any idea how long 1.5 months can feel when you’re expecting the decision of your life”
and its not the decision of your life, dont be overdramatic, you have an entire list of top tier schools that are all well known for academics… getting into Penn aint life or death</p>

<p>’ “Do you have any idea how long 1.5 months can feel when you’re expecting the decision of your life”
and its not the decision of your life, dont be overdramatic, you have an entire list of top tier schools that are all well known for academics… getting into Penn aint life or death’</p>

<p>Ever heard of sarcasm? LOL.</p>