<p>ever seen that commercial? with the M.D. resident saying how he lost weight because he took some diet pills</p>
<p>what a mutha ****in sell out</p>
<p>ever seen that commercial? with the M.D. resident saying how he lost weight because he took some diet pills</p>
<p>what a mutha ****in sell out</p>
<p>I saw that one. Anything to pay off med school loans...</p>
<p>btw, he's a D.O.</p>
<p>but look how great he looks from taking the pills ;)</p>
<p>He probably took steroids; half of the guys I met who look that way do.</p>
<p>Ps. Dr Sedrish, you got a PM :)</p>
<p>PPs. The pill in question, when it had ephedra DID wonders. Now, it's just a scam.</p>