the e-reader of the official online study guide

<p>Do you think it is accurate</p>

<p>e- reader? Isn’t that the thing for the GBA that lets you play minigames by swiping cards?</p>

<p>no, srsly, wut are you talking about?</p>

<p>If you are referring to CB’s online version of grading essays, no.
I wrote gibberish (literally) and got a 12.</p>

<p>It grades based on length.</p>

<p>^That’s probably how real SAT graders grade, so I’d say it’s accurate XD</p>

<p>I think they actually read it. I filled up two pages in Dec and got a freakin 11!</p>

<p>^you should’ve wrote smaller XD</p>

<p>I wrote 2 pages and got a 9. Then I came back armed with specifics and big vocab and got an 11. Hm.</p>

<p>I mean the system that grades your essay online.WHen you purchase the official online course ,write an essay and click '‘submit’'THen it is scored in 30 seconds.DO you think it is accurate ?I got 4/6 twice but don`t think this was fair.I wrote a lot in 25 minutes ,strong thesis,3 perfect examples…</p>

<p>Ivan, its not accurate. I’m subscribed :P</p>

<p>Then there is no point of writing any essay that will be grade by this machine.But how to find out what my grade should be :]</p>

<p>there is really no accurate way. You could try posting it here, but it’s not really all that accurate. ie) people here gave my essays 6s and 7s, and I got a 10 on the real thing. Meh, some people here don’t know what they’re doing.</p>

<p>People here tend to grade as the SAT should be graded, not as it actually is. My essays were normally given around a score of 5-9, but I got an 11 on the real thing.</p>