The EDII Waiting Game.

<p>This is intended to be a thread for all of the anxious EDIIers to let out their frustrations, get to know each other, and just wait. We only have 19 days to go!</p>

<p>So.. Post here if you're EDII, introduce yourself (however you want; stats, intended major, EC's, specialness..), and let's get the party started, eh?</p>

<p>Facts About Me (because it's easier than writing my life story):
*I'm a female.
*I'm a mutt. (Norwegian, African American, Native American.)
*I do theatre.
*I have a love affair with the environment, and am in a magnet Global Ecology program to prove it.
*I want to be a neurologist. It is the precious lovechild of psychology and biology, in my mind.
*I refuse to retake any test unless I missed the material (my French teacher forces us to take it, then retake it, instead of just taking it once. It angers me), including the SAT/ACT. I got a 1900 on the SAT March 2008 (meh.), and a 31 on the ACT last October (yayz?!).</p>

<p>Facts About Me (because it’s easier than writing my life story):
*I’m a male.
*I’m a mutt. (German, Irish, Bajan, English)
*I do theatre and band.
*I swim in the summers, play golf, horse back ride, and do a lot of different water sports.
*I plan to study International Relations (World Politics at Hamilton) with a minor in Chinese because ASIA FTW!
*I didnt have any problem junior year with managing my time between school work and my 23+ extra curricular activities per week but senior year has been a pain. i think its funny because everyone you speak to says “senior year is by far the easiest year and junior year is the hardest” but for me it has been the exact opposite!!!
*I’m feel proud when i tell people about my accomplishments because i feel that ive worked hard to be where i am now and think everyone’s journeys are interesting, so why not share them?</p>

<p>side note to Floee: I had a second interview on campus yesterday and ROCKED IT (or so i think) and am feeling positive about hearing good news come February 15th!
how has ur waiting game been going?</p>

<p>Good job on your interview. My interview was really weird… But I’m still thinking positive. I refuse to buy a sweatshirt, though, even though they’re on sale! Of course, the sale ends a couple days before we get our decisions… But anyways, how’s the campus? I’ve never been up there, but hopefully I will be able to. Eventually.
I feel dumb asking/admitting this, but when I think Bajan, I think Baja Fresh. So what sort of ethnicity is that? I’m really, really, really bad at geography. So bad at it, that I usually call it geology.
Btw, random coincidence - I was just looking at the equestrian team at Hamilton, no joke. I’m thinking about joining if I get in 'cause I hate all other sport-type-things, and I’ve been riding since I was like 5. Even though I’ve taken several breaks since then, I still do technically own my horse.</p>

<p>lmaooo i have the same feeling about the hoodies!!! i wanted to buy one so bad but i was already deferred from another school and i bought the hoodie when i visited campus…</p>

<p>my father suggested i don’t buy one and just wait the next 18 days so i don’t end up with an array of hoodies for schools i never made it into! lol</p>

<p>i just ride for fun, im about 6’4 and am too big to ride really, but if i find the right stud that is strong enough, i’ll go riding…i used to ride english and western styles and did jumping but now, only western really</p>

<p>and Bajan is from Barbados, but im fully white…my great grandfather was the grandson of an English Colonist on the island and moved here when he was about 20 or so</p>

<p>why had this forum become so empty???</p>

<p>i feel like no one posts anymore :'(</p>

<p>I know, right? It’s kind of really sad…
Btw, to illustrate how unbelievably bad my geography is. Today, my friend was like, “I got into Montana State.” and I was like, “…Montana isn’t a state, it’s a city.” we went back and forth for a while until one of my friends took out their planners and pointed it out to me on the map. I also did not know that Mountain Time existed until about two months ago. So, it’s nice to know about the Bajan/Barbados thing.
SIXTEEN DAYS! I’m so anxious. And it’s now, it’s another weekend. We had a two day week, but one of the days we had a two hour delay and a homeroom schedule, so classes were about twenty minutes.</p>

<p>well i was visiting hamilton on monday, had classes tuesday, short day wednesday, only two midterms on thursday, and no school today, so its been pretty nice lol</p>

<p>and my oldest sister emails me everyday with how many days are left lol</p>

<p>we can make 16 more days floee!!!</p>

<p>or at least i hope so =&lt;/p>

<p>p.s. i wouldnt tell anyone at hamilton that you didn’t know montana was a state :stuck_out_tongue: they may not be too impressed…lmao</p>

<p>How was the campus? I think I asked that earlier but you ignored me…
And I don’t really care much if people are “impressed” with my intelligence or lack thereof. I know I’m not dumb. I’m actually very intelligent when I apply myself. I’m just kind of oblivious to things that I don’t find interesting/important. If I attempted to pay attention to everything, I would drive myself crazy and probably have some sort of mental breakdown. I don’t have one of those “desires to know something about everything”, I’m more like, “I want to know everything about the things that matter to me.” Comprendo? I don’t even know if that’s a word, Spanish annoyed me so I took French.
I tend to retain a lot of information about things if they are important to me, though. Especially about people. It sometimes freaks them out. xD</p>

<p>haha no worries, i was just kidding</p>

<p>everyone does stupid stuff (i thought Spain was in Mexico when i was younger because everyone who i met who spoke spanish was a mexican…it made perfect sense to me! lmao) (oh and i also thought that when you said “A Quarter To Four” in regards to time meant that it was 25 minutes to four, but that was because i was confusing the currency and 1/4 of 60 o_O lol ohhh elementary school!)</p>

<p>and comprendo means i understand</p>

<p>you meant to say ¿Comprende?</p>

<p>Meh. Je parle francais.</p>

<p>15 dayssss! I think I’m going to like, have a heart attack.</p>

<p>EDIT: I just realized that ~30-35% of Hamilton Class of 2013 is accepted. Weird, eh?</p>

<p>how did you come up with that stat???</p>

<p>and that means only 70-65% of the 28% accepted is left! oh no.</p>

<p>that makes our chances less!?!?!?!</p>

<p>and tomorrow is the two week countdown, do you know if we hear by mail or email or telepathic transmissions…i NEED to KNOW!</p>

<p>A quick look at the Hamilton 2013 group on Facebook.
No, it doesn’t make the chances less. Half of them are recruited athletes, I think. I just thought it was weird to think about the logistics of college acceptance. Chillax.
Oh, we for def hear by telepathic transmissions. xD
Last year they got an email the day before saying that decisions would be up at a certain time the next day, and then MyHamilton got updated after that… And it was also sent in the mail, I think.</p>

<p>oh geez so its most definitely gonna be the 15th and no earlier</p>


<p>i wish i was in japan, then i would have one less day!</p>

<p>I don’t follow you. Why would it definitely not be earlier?
Last year it came out on the 12th I think…?</p>

<p>ohh gotcha, i thought u meant they sent out an email the day before (the 14th) to tell them it was ready…</p>

<p>oh cool!</p>

<p>and how do u noe about last years stuff?</p>

<p>Oh, I’m psychic. Should I have listed that on my application? =/</p>

<p>There was an EDII results thread from last year… xD</p>

<p>lol obviously! but i was hoping to stalk it myself and was looking for a URL, and did you notice that there like hundreds of views on this thread but its just me and you speaking to each other???</p>

<p>epic fail, collegeconfidential…</p>

<p>Yeah, I did. Apparently we’re veeeeeery interesting.
Someone new should post, we can get to know them. =]
There is no way that we are the only Hamilton EDIIers on this forum. NO. FLIPPIN’. WAY.
However, if we were, that would eliminate much competition! =D</p>

<p>yeah i agree! but i bet all those views are from people who are EDII and are stalking us…</p>

<p>oh well lol</p>

<p>and did u join the 2013 group yet on facebook?</p>