<p>What did people put for the "has shrunk" question, and why? (Note that the previous verb in the sentence, "were" is in the past tense).</p>
<p>If this helps: </p>
<p>ENGLISH</a> PAGE - Past Perfect</p>
<p>ENGLISH</a> PAGE - Present Perfect</p>
<p>I'm curious to see what the final verdict is on this question.</p>
<p>Well… I guess the answer to our question lies in another question. Do we conjugate our verb off of “were” or “suggests”?</p>
<p>Maybe if we create enough controversy CB will remove the question :P</p>
<p>I went back and forth on this, and put D. It seems like it could have been correct, but was just too awkward.</p>
<p>atillazehun you put D as well didn’t you? As did I. Who put E, and what was your rationale?</p>
<p>Had shrunk was D right?</p>
<p>If so then I put that I think even though that was a terrible question</p>
<p>D was to indicate the “has shrunk” was in error. Those who picked D generally believe that it should have read “had shrunk”</p>
<p>gosh I hope you’re right. That would mean there was a total of 1 E (no error)</p>
<p>I’m convinced. It was D. In addition to asking two english teachers, one of which is a SAT writing tutor, I have a logical arguement.</p>
<p>The CB wants us to make the error of conjugating the verb into the present perfect simply because the closest verb is in present. In reality, what determines past or present is the “were” in the sentence. This is just another classic case of CB picking out the “riffraff” by having the key be at the beginning of the sentence while the error is at the end. CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO WROTE D! YOU WERE RIGHT!</p>
<p>bump for final thoughts?</p>
<p>Ya. Here’s a final thought :). Hitler ordered the Jews dead when he was Fuhrer, which suggests that the German man HAS OR HAD?! (had… DUH!) to kill the Jewish one.</p>