Exactly what the title says. It used to be fine but ever since the new site upgrades or whatever all of the font for posts and such is like literally size 4. It’s impossible to read unless I copy and paste it into microsoft word. Can anybody help me? =/
I agree. That was issue #2 for me, the loss of view number right next to posts like a lot of other forums is kinda sad too.
Just change the settings on your computer. View–Text Size–Large
It should work OK at medium unless you have an unusually high res screen.
Try a hard refresh (Ctrl-F5) on the page to be sure your browser hasn’t cached an old style sheet.
but the actual posts are too small.
Control + should help you out.
We’ve actually had people complaining about the “Giant Fonts”.
It was good before, now the transition between medium & smaller is such a huge effect… too small in smaller, too large in medium. literally, as measured in microsoft word, it jumps from 8 to 11, verdana.
Can’t we make it 9.5/10 like before? i’m fine surfing the web in smaller, in fact it’s perfect, then i have to change to medium just for this site after a while so i don’t squint.z
please? keep it the same under medium (in fact it is the same as before), but the font is <em>so</em> much smaller than it used to be under view–>text size–>smaller. i wish i had a picture from before to show how good it was.
After a big poll last year, we switched to user-adjustable font sizing after we found that pixel values never were close to right for everyone. Oddly, after the conversion to the new software, we found the old sizing didn’t work, perhaps because of style inheritance. We tweaked it to its current level, at which most people seemed happy and the few complaints were split between “too small” and “way too big”. I’m not sure why the drop with “smaller” is so dramatic, but we’re really geared to “medium” or “normal” browsers.