<p>Can anyone give me the rundown on the food at Cornell. </p>
<p>Types of food (asian(indian food most importantly)/mexican/italian...etc), the quality and most common places where ppl dine at</p>
<p>Also, I heard the thai food is legit</p>
<p>Can anyone give me the rundown on the food at Cornell. </p>
<p>Types of food (asian(indian food most importantly)/mexican/italian...etc), the quality and most common places where ppl dine at</p>
<p>Also, I heard the thai food is legit</p>
<p>I wonder too, I heard that cornell’s legendary for its food choices. I hope the asian food’s good</p>
<p>I’m not sure of specifics but I have a friend who goes there who constantly talks about the food. She always suggests that I come to visit her just so I can have some of it! :P</p>
<p>My friend is a freshman at Cornell and he says the at the dining hall is amazing.</p>
<p>I like it.</p>
<p>on north I usually eat at Appel. there they’ve got a grill (like hamburgs and the like), salad bar, a dozen cereals, make your own sandwich station, dessert (cake, cookies, brownies, etc.), miscellaneous side dishes and fruit, main course, soup, roll your own sushi, pasta/pizza, kosher, and soft serve ice cream and/or “wow cow.” also think they have a make your own waffle place.</p>
<p>also there’s the dining hall in RPCC. they have the main course, pizza/pasta, a dozen cereals, soup, make your own waffle, grill, salad/fruit bar (better than Appel’s), some asian food you hafta wait in line for, dessert (like appel), soft serve. RPCC also has a nice Sunday morning brunch. (I might have missed some stuff here cuz I don’t usually eat there.)</p>
<p>you can also buy food downstairs in RPCC from something where you write your order on a paper and hand it in, plus in their convenience store thing. there’s a cafe with starbucks, smoothies, and bubble tea downstairs in Appel.</p>
<p>risley is also on north but I’ve only eaten there once. it’s a single line. I think they’re famous for something like salads or wraps or something, but it wasn’t that impressed. it was fine.</p>
<p>oakenshields is the meal-plan place on central. I am still a little mystified by it. there are sometimes feature meals that are only in one of the two lines, but there are also times when the lines seem to be the same. you can slice and butter your own bread at the end. they have soup. the menu changes. dessert. a chinese food bar (I guess that’s what it is…) and also a sala bar. like I mentioned, they are more likely to have special food nights regularly where they feature stuff. less flitting from station to station at oakenshields.</p>
<p>everywhere on the meal plan I mentioned has soda, coffee, milk, juice. milk is chocolate, skim, and various amts of fat I think (?)</p>
<p>also you can eat at trillium in central, closer to the ag quad. you have to pay with cash or big red bucks there. (those bucks come with your meal plan.) they have various stations around the you can order things like quesadillas, sandwiches, lasagna, wraps, hamburgers, and such yummy things. also you can get fountain drinks, plus iced tea and vitamin waters and the like from a cooler (in a bottle) they also have food in boxes in the middle, like pizza and fries, or in the coolers, like pre-made sandwiches and salads. they also have coolers with sushi, yogurt, fruit, and pudding.</p>
<p>other nice places to spend Big Red Bucks are Carol’s Cafe in Balch (open to all genders, and in the Tatkon Ctr where lots of academic-type stuff happens) they have smoothies, coffee, pastries, juices, and premade sandwiches. also I think they have breakfast foods like cereals in boxes. and chips.
also you can spend BRB in Libe Cafe in Olin Library and Tower Cafe in Uris Library. I think the former might have more pastries, but I can’t remember. the coffee in both is fine. I don’t think the Tower cafe has the sandwiches and similar items that Libe cafe has. you could reasonably consume any meal in Libe cafe. I haven’t been there in like two months…</p>
<p>there are lots of other places to talk about. there is the Synapses cafe (in new Weill biotech building I believe??) which I think is BRBs but I’ve never been. there is the Temple of Zeus where you gotta pay actual cash (in Goldwin Smith) and Manndibles (sp?) cafe in Mann Library (on the ag quad). right off campus in collegetown is Collegetown Bagels (called CTB) where there is all sorts of stuff like in a cafe-- pastries, tons of drinks, bagels made in all sorts of ways! I like it.
there’s also the Hot Truck and Louie’s Lunch that are located in trucks that are on west and north campus respectively, but I have not eaten at those places. they take cash. I hear great great thing about them but I’m afraid I might be confused in ordering! (I’m slow to try new things…)
similarly, I can’t speak about food on West in the house system or any of that cuz I have never ever eaten down there.</p>
<p>I think most of the food is really delicious. I have weird eating habits. for one thing I don’t eat meat at school. that works out fine. also, I just like bizarre flavors and combos. usually it works out really well. if you like the standard delicious fare you’ll be happy too. I haven’t eaten at more than a handful of other dining halls in my days, but I certain have no where else in mind that was any better than what I get at Cornell. lots of choice, quality food, lots of it. it’s warm when it should be, it’s always replenished promptly.</p>
<p>(I bet this is going to be long and redundant to info you can get other places. but it’s up to date, so there you have it. I have absorbed all that info through my stomach in just one semester!!!)
(I’m hungry now!!)</p>
<p>its pretty good for a university… can’t expect that much can we</p>
<p>^Well, from what I read and heard, Cornell is ranked top 3 with best food</p>
<p>there’s so much asian food on campus. rpcc has 2 chefs that have this flat grill thing and flip noodles on it in front of you with your choice of sauce, vegetables, noodles, rice, etc, and its probably one of the most popular choices at rpcc bc there’s always a line like faustarp said.</p>
<p>appel has like authentic non-americanized chinese food which, no offense, kinda grosses me out. central campus always has tofu and noodles and stuff @ oakenshields.</p>
<p>and there’s so many desserts its crazy. cakes, just-made chocolate chip cookies sometimes (great with cornell dairy chocolate milk) all diff types of ice cream with hot fudge+hot caramel stations and 4 diff types of sprinkles, etc. </p>
<p>All in all, the food really is good; I actually like it more than home food and you’ll easily gain weight if you want to up there. </p>
<p>Complaints? Pizza really needs some damn work but I’m a NY city kid so I guess I’m spoiled when it comes to pizza and bagels. I also wish they had a custom make your own sub sandwhich section of some sort somewhere on North. I miss Quiznos and Subway like crazy up there.</p>
<p>ugh, I live and die for hot, gooey fresh baked chocolate chip cookies at Appel and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream from the Cornell Dairy.</p>
<p>Let me add a disclaimer that I haven’t sampled that much food on campus in my 3 years at Cornell. but from what I’ve eaten, Cornell’s dining reputation is drastically overrated.</p>
<p>I’ll summarize. Becker, Alice Cook, and Bethe lunches are atrocious. The selection is nonexistent and the food is frozen chicken patties, deli meats, and other garbage. Those same places for dinner are pretty bad as well. They have more selection, but the food is very mediocre. The chicken is usually dry, the salad bar is good tho, the side dishes are blah. All in all, it’s very blah.</p>
<p>Okensheild’s for lunch is blah as well. The chinese food bar is disgusting. The main dishes can range from very good to lousy. The dinner is much the same. However, the deserts are incredible.</p>
<p>As far as off campus, the food options are much better. Ivy Room is great, especially the mexican place. Hughes dining for a late breakfast is fantastic. The convenience stores have great snacks, including Mattin’s in the middle of the engineering quad.</p>
<p>Now I never ate on North in my 3 years (yes surprising but I’m not walking 25 minutes for a meal from West). I have heard the dining halls there are much better. Oh wait I did eat at Bear Necessities or whatever it’s called and the food was greasy and unhealthy, but tasted pretty good.</p>
<p>So to summarize: dining halls are blah, off campus is very good.</p>
<p>food is very good. anyone who says otherwise have millionaire standards</p>
<p>As long as you’re not excessively picky about food, the food is very good. North campus dining halls (mainly for freshmen) have a nice variety of foods. West campus dining is not as good, unfortunately, but I can still usually find something I like. You’re still likely to grow tired of the food after a couple of months, compared to food at other schools Cornell food is amazing.</p>
<p>People who claim RPCC has any variety at all obviously do not eat there often. They only change one station per day for dinner, everything else remains nearly identical (maybe a slight change in what kind of pasta or meat is used).</p>
<p>Trillium is good stuff and so is Ivy Room. A lot of the mexican stuff you can get in the Ivy Room is also in Martha’s (the food place in the human ecology building) though the spinners are smaller :(</p>
<p>the mongo has a line because it takes 5 minutes to cook 1 persons noodles</p>
<p>cornell’s food isn’t anything amazing. you’ll find that after a while (aka a month or so?) you’ll start to get tired of the meal plan and the overly-greasy food. lots of times, my friends and i only go to the dining halls if we don’t have enough time to cook our own food.</p>
<p>all the comments I’ve read so far are true.
particularly okenshields lunch. not my favorite.
I understand where variety isn’t, but I make my variety (like not taking the same thing every day…mix up the dressings, the cereal, the soup, etc.)</p>
<p>also sorry for spelling okenshields wrong, it popped into my head like an hour later, but I’m a Tolkien fan (perhaps even before a Cornell eater!)</p>