Our granddaughter was finally born a couple hours ago–after 3-day ordeal! 5lbs. 15oz., 18.5." Mom and baby doing well.
Pleased that my name is baby’s middle name?
congrats atomom!!! How wonderful.
My granddaughter shares the family middle name that i have, as well as D and many other family members. I was pleased she passed it on.
Congrats atomom! My DIL also had a long labor with several trips to the hospital, only to be sent home. Glad everyone’s doing well.
I’m so relieved to hear the great news, atomom!
Our entire family was supposed to meet at our oldest ds’s house Thursday evening and have a few days together with our youngest celebrating her 9th birthday today and the new grandbaby being baptized on Sunday. Well, Wednesday night my youngest complained of sore throat, Thursday morning she woke up with a 104.5 fever. Everyone else went ahead and traveled without us with the plan of our driving down when she felt better. She still has a 101.5 temp today. She started to cry when I told her we couldn’t go. So, we are home alone for her birthday with her still sick.
At least everyone else is together, even our ds from across the country flew in. I haven’t seen my Dd and her ds since May at our ds’s Bama graduation. I miss them so much.
Aww, @Mom2aphysicsgeek , what a shame. I hope your 9 year old feels better soon and that she can have a special day today.
Congratulations, @atomom! So glad everyone is doing well. And @Mom2aphysicsgeek, how disappointing. I hope your D feels better soon.
Update if anyone’s interested. My nephew is a little over two weeks old now and doing beautifully. He is a clone of his Japanese father except that he currently has very light colored eyes (currently blue but will likely be hazel like my sister) from my side of the family.
My sister and my parents have been talking pretty consistently since the birth. My dad has visited her and his grandson a few times and tentatively everything seems to be going well. I still half expect my sister to cut them off again at any moment but in the mean time, my parents are very much enjoying being first time grandparents.
My SIL is in the early stages of labor so Mr R’s side will have another niece within a few days. This will be my 3rd nibling since early October. All the babies!
Happy New Year to all! Congratulations to all the new grandparents and grandparents-to-be. Any news about your new niece yet, @romanigypsyeyes?
D and SIL had their anatomy scan yesterday - baby looks great. We were excited to find out that GS will have a baby sister in May!
GS has been especially delightful this week - his language skills are growing and he loves to play, play, play.
@hrh19 she was born 12/28. Mom and baby are happy and healthy and I spent last weekend with them.
I have been searching the coupon sections of the newspaper for several weeks looking for coupons for diapers and baby products. I haven’t found any at all. Do they no longer have diaper coupons? I want to save them for my S and D or use them myself, but I haven’t seen even one baby product with coupon. I don’t normally use coupons, so I don’t know if I’m missing something or not. Do these still exist?
I am pretty sure in my Sunday paper there were Huggie coupons this week. Target usually has sales as do the grocery stores. Target will also have a gift card with a certain dollar amount purchase of baby items. Costco this month has a nice sale for one of the large boxes; I can not remember how much off, but it was like $8-$10.
^^^Many/most people do coupons on store apps now. Could be baby items to “clip” on the individual store apps.
I buy baby food for my dogs, and my grocery store app is always offering me diaper coupons.
DIL had her anatomic ultrasound this morning and it is a GIRL!! So excited!! My gut told me it was a boy, so so much for my gut. Although they were pretty sure it was a girl.
Target frequently has deals in their Sunday ad where if you buy a certain amount of baby related products, you earn a gift card on future purchases (more diapers!). S & DIL have taken advantage of those frequently - usually 20 - 30% savings overall.
@tx5athome , congrats on your girl! I have been shopping for little boy stuff and there is sooo much cute girl stuff out there. I haven’t bought anything yet, though. I can’t wait for our baby boy, but I sure hope they have a little girl for me in the future!
DD could already know about the baby due in July, but they are waiting to do a ‘reveal’ at SIL’s birthday.coming up soon. She will have her detailed ultrasound shortly thereafter, so she/we will know for sure by then. Happy baby is healthy.
Today is my S’s birthday and it reminded me that as amazing as it is to be a grandparent, sometimes our GS’s daddy still needs some parentlng, too. They got some additional concerning news from GS’s cardiologist yesterday and while the initial defects appear to be stable and even resolving, there’s something else that is progressing and may need one or multiple procedures over the next 4 years to rectify. My S is a basket case, and spent an hour with me this morning on the phone barely keeping it together. In the world of problems this is not a huge one, but when it’s your little guy even little things seem outsized. When they are little you can rock them and whisper, “Everything will be all right…”, but when they’re grown and holding their own little one I think it’s harder for them to hear, though very much welcomed. On the wonderful side of things, GS is growing like a weed and at 8 weeks has started smiling, laughing and responding to people. He’s so cute I can’t stand it!
((HUGS)) to you, @runnersmom. I am sorry there is more to worry about. I agree that sometimes our adult children need to hear us tell them that everything will be okay. It is good that your S has you to talk to. Your sweet little GS will be in my prayers. Yes, those smiles and laughs are wonderful. Enjoy!