The Highlands or Bryce Lawn?

<p>In terms of appearance and size, which on-campus apartment is better? I will be rooming with two/three other friends, so I am trying to see which one would be best for us. I’ve only been inside Bryce Lawn, and the only thing that I didn’t like was the lack of color in the apartment. It seems as though all of the units consists of only white walls and white flooring. What are your thoughts??</p>

<p>If you’re close-by/on campus already, swing by Highlands and see if you like the look/location of it. I think it looks a bit out-dated and ‘tired’, but I have only seen the outside. There seems to be more social activity at Bryce Lawn, too, because of the proximity to frats nearby and the quad/lawns. Maybe if you hovered around outside Highlands, someone nice could show you around or at the very least answer your questions? Be sure to check out construction nearby each choice, too. Highlands has had non-stop construction near it for several years now (Pres I, Pres II, water building, parking deck, eng’g, etc.).</p>