The Honorable "UR Admissions"

<p>The Honorable “UR Admissions”:</p>

<p>A few quick questions:</p>

<li><p>What are the admissions stats for this years ED 1 applicants ( i.e. number of applications, number of applicants granted admission to UR, the average G.P.A.'s & SATs of accepted students) ?</p></li>
<li><p>How do the admissions stats (i.e. number of applications, G.P.A.'s & SATs of accepted students) for this years ED1 compare to last years ED 1? …Was this years ED 1 a statistically stronger group?</p></li>
<li><p>In a prior thread you indicated that you had worked at URichmond for a number of years. How has the admissions process at URichmond changed over the years? Have the number & qualifications of the applicants at URichmond improved, declined or remained relatively steady during your years at its Admissions office?</p></li>
<li><p>Any evidence that the nation’s poor economy has had any effect (good or bad) on Richmond’s applications this year</p></li>

<p>Thanks again. Good luck reading the applicants for ED 2 and regular admission.</p>


<p>p.s. Thanks for the very good job you & staff did during last years ED 1 session.</p>

<p>Hi Otis–</p>

<p>Thanks for calling me “honorable”. I certainly aim to be! The stats aren’t yet compiled and I am SWAMPED as today is the Richmond Scholars deadline and the goal here is to have read every file that is complete enough to be read before the holidays, be read before the holidays so we can all go home and rest our brains before January! No small task. Couple that with the very exciting developments for our football team, and know that one day this week I will be driving to Chattanooga to watch the Spiders play for the National Championship and realize I have 4 days to do about 9 days worth of work! So I will respond to this over the holidays when I can find a little down time, OK?</p>

<p>To UR admissions,
having a d that was deferred, I’m interested in those statistics too. We read the blog about contacting the office, did so and didn’t receive much helpful insight. Maybe you could also address the male versus female acceptance rates? I’m concerned about encouraging her when the chances of admission may be slim. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>Also anxious to hear the stats… worried since we did NOT go ED…</p>

<p>Hello all—</p>

<p>ED is a complicated situation and every year is different, so it is difficult to predict what will happen. I’m sorry that johni didn’t get much insight from his call. There are generally three reasons why someone might be deferred: </p>

<p>1) the student was working on a downward trend in the junior year and we’d like to see a full-semester’s grade report before we feel confident about his/her rebound.
2) there is some kind of anomaly in the student’s record that we’re hoping to have some type of explanation for. (i.e. a great student with a grade of D somewhere the record and no explanation for why in the world this great student got that one poor grade)
3) the student is “on the bubble” and we’re waiting to determine how a this borderline student will look in the context of a greater applicant pool. </p>

<p>What does this mean for your student? Well, if it is one of the first two reasons, please give us some context about you believe the hang-up to be. If it is the 3rd, it might be worth re-taking standardized tests to see if your student will look better if they take the ACT for the first time (another example). If he/she took recent tests that we’ve seen (Oct/Nov) then there isn’t likely to be a big difference, but if they didn’t take tests since May or June, it could be another matter. If your grades or curriculum were off the mark, it is too late to change it now, I’m sorry to say, and you’ll just have to hold tight and let us see who your competition is going to be.</p>

<p>The ED pool was larger, but the preliminary profile doesn’t look tremendously different than last year and interestingly enough the aid applicants did not increase proportionally. We meet aid through the same packaging we use for all students, meeting 100% of demonstrated eligibility with grant as the foundation of the award. No student receives more than $4000 with a combination of need-based loans and work study. </p>

<p>Women applicants tend to have higher grade point averages and men tend to have slightly better test scores. Because there are usually greater numbers of female applicants, there is statistically more competition for women applicants while the profile is very similar to the men (except for the description above, showing that boys tend to mature a little later in school, but their achievement catches up and their preparation is also excellent). </p>

<p>I’m not sure how to comment on 252525’s question about how to help counsel your daughter. I suppose the best advice is that any student who is deferred needs to be aware that he or she is on the bubble and needs to evaluate the range of schools to which he/she should be applying to during the Regular Decision round to be sure that he/she has several schools which are not quite as selective as Richmond but that offer similar features in terms of environment, size, programs and etc. There are students every year who are successfully admitted after having been deferred, but the numbers are not overly encouraging. It is honestly a wait and see situation. </p>

<p>I hope that is general enough to help you direct her to walk the tight rope between giving up on us (if there had been no chance, honestly we’d have denied her up front) and continuing to search and explore her other options. It is a hard place to be, but it is not like a lot of adults in job-searching mode and other areas of the life and therefore this can be viewed in the context of the college admission world serving as a place to learn real life lessons. </p>

<p>Happy Holidays to all!</p>


<p>Does that mean you will consider the Feb ACT test (ACT not offered in Jan)?</p>

<p>We will consider February ACT results. When you register for the test, please be sure to have the scores sent directly to us (code 4410) so that we’ll get them ASAP.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Thank you very much for that extended response. I think knowing the average GPA for accepted females would be very telling as to where in the bubble my daughter may be. While I realize that schools accept and deny/defer students with exactly the same grades and scores because other aspects of their “package” are the determining factor, her situation may be predominately a question of falling below average.<br>
Thanks again, and I hope you have a happy holiday season.

<p>I’m glad the context helped you. </p>

<p>Wonderful holidays to all out there in CC-land!</p>

<p>Happy new year and welcome back. I was wondering if you had a chance to compose the stats. that Otis had asked about prior to vacation. I was also wondering about the percentage of applications received for ED II and RD as there was an article in the NY Times that some schools were seeing RD apps. down after seeing ED up. Thank you.</p>

<p>UR Admissions: Are additional LOR considered in the admission process, if submitted? </p>


<p>Matt, UR Admissions addressed your question in this thread the other day: (it’s the last post in the thread)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>Ta. ^^ I missed that thread, didn’t know it addressed my question too! And I take that comment as peer or employer evaluations being okay. Correct?</p>

<p>Matt–sure. that’s fine.</p>

<p>UR ADMISSIONS - Could I please know when you give the decisions out, to International students who applied before December 15th but on Regular Decision???</p>


<p>In another thread, an applicant says he was notified he is a Richmond Scholar semi-finalist. I’m concerned about this–are all the semi-finalist offers out already?</p>

<p>don’t worry. not all semi-finalists have been notified yet. we notify in batches as we get them read every week from late December to late January. just because you haven’t been notified yet does NOT mean you won’t be in a later batch. </p>

<p>all regular decision notifications go out around April 1 regardless of when you filed your application.</p>

<p>Dear Honorable “UR Admissions”,</p>

<p>Any public stats you can release regarding the annoying questions I posed in post #1 in this thread?</p>

<p>How is ED2 shaping up? (numbers & quality)</p>

<p>How is Regular Admissions shaping up? (numbers & quality)</p>

<p>Has the recession/ depression had any impact on college admission in general and on UR’s applications in particular?</p>

<p>Thanks. Good luck.</p>


<p>ah… Thank You “UR A…” lol ;D</p>