The Honors College's 4 different programs & app process. :)

<p>bump… :)</p>

<p>BTW, the Fellow Expereince application dateline has been extended to 12/11</p>


<p>That happened last year, too. But, last year when no part of the UFE app was online, you had to make sure the app was in the UFE Tuscaloosa post office box by Dec 5th (I think). It was so confusing, because many thought that the postmark had to be Dec 5th, so they had to extend the deadline.</p>

<p>I think that in the future, the UFE deadline needs to be the same as the CBHP deadline. Too many kids were applying to the school in November, and it’s confusing because you can’t apply to any honors until you’re accepted. Many didn’t know that you could do an “end run” and contact UFE directly for the prompts. UA was still having reps do campus visits in November which led to these late apps to the school. This whole thing needs to be cleaned up.</p>



<p>Please don’t let DD know… :)</p>

<p>As an professor of mine used to say: “The good thing about a deadline is that it gives you a place to stop.”</p>

<p>Is the extended deadline for UFE for the application or for the nomination? Thanks.</p>

<p>It’s the Application submittal and postmark date.</p>

<p>However…Are you needing a GC nomination first? If so, call Mrs. Wellon Bridgers and find out what they’ll do for you (if anything).</p>


<p>oh geez, i am not telling my son, fellows deadline was extended!! that was a last minute submit about 6 hours before deadline…wasnt sure we would make it. why would they extend it? i would think 1000 kids is more than enough to compete for so few positions LOL</p>


<p>When I spoke to Wellon about mid November, she speculated that they might have to move out the date because UA reps were still visiting high schools at that point. UA was realizing that they might have to accomodate all those kids who only got a high school college visit late in November. </p>

<p>Plus, you have to be “accepted” to the college, before you can formally apply.</p>

<p>In the future, they’re going to have to give a later deadline. There really isn’t a good reason to have the due date early in Dec.</p>

<p>UA visited out high school the friday before thanksgiving, i think.</p>

<p>i think it kind of stinks for them to extend the deadline. part of the game is meeting the deadlines. </p>

<p>if they want to change it for future years, that is fine, but to extend it is not really fair to the kids who busted butt to meet the actual published deadline.</p>

<p>I agree that there is a “unfair” problem with moving the date. UA needs to do a better job getting its college recruiters out to high schools earlier.</p>

<p>I also think it’s confusing that a person has to be accepted before they can apply to UFE. That also created problems since the admissions office was literally bombed in Nov, and couldn’t provide an more immediate response. A person can’t meet the UFE deadline if his app to the school hasn’t been processed. </p>

<p>Wasn’t UDays also held in mid November? That also needs to be moved up, because it also resulted in late Nov apps that weren’t processed in time. Furthering the problem is that schools can be VERY SLOW about sending transcripts, therefore UA couldn’t admit some qualified kids until near/after the Dec 4th date. </p>

<p>Sometimes institutions have to be slapped in the face with reality before they’ll change policies.</p>

<p>If anyone has any CBHP Honors College questions, they should probably call CBHP tomorrow, because after Friday, it will be hard to get info before the Jan 5th due date.</p>

<p>bump… :slight_smile:

<p>Reminder to those who haven’t applied yet to honors… you need to do so.</p>

<p>Is it just a 4000 character limit for CBHP. I know it was for Fellows, but I got an email saying to only write like 400 words for that. The exact wording is:
“Please remember that you will not be able to save your essays as you go, so it may be most feasible to write your essays beforehand to the following prompts (400 word limit).”
Is it the same for CBHP-should it only be around 400 words? And is CBHP worth applying to if I’m going into business?</p>

<p>And I applied to UHP a while ago, but I don’t remember if I was admitted, even though I have the stats to be automatically admitted. Is there a place to check that on mybama because I didn’t see it?</p>

<p>CBHP is VERY worth applying to no matter what your major is. It isn’t a “computer science” thing. It’s a research thing. Dr. Sharpe (the director) has his PhD in Management Information Systems, so certainly a business major would fit. there have been all kinds of majors in CBHP - ranging from the typical engineering to pre-law to pre-med, to library science to Dance/theater to whatever. You get to work with a prof in your field (or whatever field you want) and do research. </p>

<p>Let me look up the other info.</p>

<p>As far as your admittance to Honors college…did you check your Crimson email on mybama. Click on the upper right Crimson icon to access your crimson email. There should be an email admitting you. You should also receive a snail mail letter. </p>

<p>Re…the letter count. Who was that email from? CBH or UFE in regards to the 400 word count?</p>

<p>That was UFE. But both (I think?) had 4000 character limits on the area to put your essay in. So I’m wondering if it’s the same thing?</p>

<p>If you go to the Honors online app and look at the box where you’re to copy/paste your CBHP essay, there should be a letter count on the bottom left that says something like 0 of 4000 (or whatever).</p>

<p>I can’t open it because I don’t have an incoming freshman. So, look and see if you can see the character limits req’t under the box.</p>

<p>BTW…did you find your acceptance email in your Crimson email?</p>

<p>It was received on Dec 4th, but I still don’t have an official acceptance, although an email does say I fit the automatic admission requirements.</p>

<p>So, Honors rec’d your app on Dec 4th. </p>

<p>Of course, you’ll be accepted, but what is the date on the email? Is that an email from before you submitted or after? </p>

<p>The offices are closed until after the New Year. </p>

<p>There have been others who for some odd reason weren’t sent their letters until a few weeks after their apps were submitted. I know that UA has been absolutely bombed by apps for the school, for scholarships, and for the Honors college. I imagine that they’re just behind.</p>