<p>Level 4 (3.16) 1230/1780
In: Seattle University, Loyola University Chicago, SUNY Stony Brook, Robert Morris University
Deferred: University of Denver, Oxford @ Emory, Northeastern University, Tulane University
Rejected: None
Pending: Occidental College and Fordham University</p>
<p>Level 5, Tulane and UW-Madison with hopefully more to come</p>
<p>Emp: You got into Tulane and Binghamton with a 3.3?!?!?!
kids at my school with like 3.7+ have gotten deferred and rejected</p>
<p>^^flare: Emp is OOS for Bing from an under-represented state (Fla)…</p>
<p>Level 4 (3.16) 1140/1800
In: Loyola College in Maryland, Quinnipiac University, University of Scranton, Ohio University, York College PA
Deferred: Fairfield University, Stonehill College, University of Vermont
Rejected: Providence College, Santa Clara University</p>
<p>Still waiting on Loyola Chicago, MSU, Roger Williams University, Saint Joseph’s University, and a few others</p>
<p>level 5 - William and Mary ED</p>
<p>Yeah, true that BevoUT And thank you!</p>
<p>“Emp: You got into Tulane and Binghamton with a 3.3?!?!?!”
Bing is A LOT easier to get in from OOS (i’m from Florida.)
As for Tulane, umm? My letters of rec are good, I have tons and tons of leadership, and am a very good writer=good essays.</p>
<p>level 4/5 (3.42)</p>
<p>Miami EA my best acceptance so far</p>
<p>My GPA is barely 3.7 weighted.</p>
<p>I got into U of Rochester. I think the average GPA there is quite a bit higher, but I did ED, am URM and have good SATs so I guess it isn’t terribly out of the ordinary.</p>
<p>3.5 UW gpa and im going to Cornell University engineering next year !!!</p>
<p>Wow Tboone, what are your SAT’s? Were you hooked?</p>
<p>Hookless, 730m 730cr, 33 act</p>
<p>I wrote some pretty awesome essays about an immigrant at my work, and how I want to chance the world by changing garbage into oil</p>
<p>I am taking a very rigorous course schedule and pulled straight As my jr year (but I had 2 Cs my sophomore year). </p>
<p>I am also taking organic chemistry at a local 4 yr uni and doing research with my professor there.</p>
<p>I also got into UIUC engineering (instate), UM-TC chemical engineering with scholarship, and Colorado school of mines with scholarship. </p>
<p>Grades AREN’T everything, but they are important. If you don’t have the grades, do something else to set you apart.</p>
<p>I got into umich with a 3.3 (they don’t count freshman year, which unfortunately was by far my best).</p>
<p>Level 5</p>
<p>3.5 UW, Johns Hopkins!</p>
<p>UW Level 5 with very demanding schedule and 1470/2180</p>
<p>Best acceptance so far is UMich,
Also got into Northeastern ($16k merit/year) and UIUC.</p>
<p>my school does only weighted gpa.
how do colleges recalculate gpa? </p>
<p>is it 4 for A and 3 for B or do they look at A- and B+?</p>
<p>3.7 weighted or unweighted?</p>
<p>Son is Level 4 (3.2 gpa) 1200/1860</p>
<p>Accepted: Ohio State, Penn State UP, Xavier, Marquette, St. Louis University, Miami U
Ohio University, John Carroll University</p>
<p>Level 4/24 ACT</p>
<p>8000 scholarship to University of Arizona
Accepted to
University of Minnesota TC Libral Arts (Deferred from Bio Sciences)
Michigan State University Lyman Briggs
Indiana University Bloomington</p>
<p>Congrats to Everyone Else</p>