<p>heartart: private or public? honorsAP’s? great results!!!</p>
<p>john: are u instate 4 IU?</p>
<p>heartart: private or public? honorsAP’s? great results!!!</p>
<p>john: are u instate 4 IU?</p>
<p>It’s nice to see all these great colleges on here. Congratulations everyone.</p>
<p>I know I probably don’t qualify for this boar but northwestern ed level 5 with a 3.71… Shows grades definitely aren’t everything, congrats to all! :)</p>
<p>Son attends Catholic School, 2 APs 2 honors</p>
<p>We are still waiting on some reach schools, but he is very happy with his choices so far.</p>
<p>Thanks rodney!</p>
<p>what are you all talking about (level 3, level 4, level 5)?</p>
<p>read the beginning of the thread, Mike…</p>
<p>whoever asked im out of state for IU</p>
<p>Why the hell is this thread rated only 3 stars???</p>
<p>It gives hope to those without hope!!! This thread is AWESOME!!!</p>
<p>my son, level 5- 3.8 uw
got in, UMICH, UWISCON, UMD, and Penn State. And with a 28ACT. My daughter works in admissions at her university, she is a junior, and she did tell me they are letting in 15-20% more students then usual, because of the economy. At least thats what was told to her by admissions. Good luck to all.</p>
<p>Level 4
Accepted: Macalester (ED1), Bard, Beloit
Deferred: Lewis and Clark, UMass</p>
<p>I don’t know how I got deferred the worst two places I applied, but I’m confident I would’ve gotten in RD. I only had a 1910 on the SATs, from a decent tiny school with nothing else super special. Your dreams are possible.</p>
<p>Bump. I would like to see some more posts:)</p>
<p>I got into the University of Michigan (LSA) with a 3.1 GPA.</p>
<p>Oh wow, not too many people can get into University of Michigan- Ann Arbor with those stats.</p>
<p>Oh yessums</p>
<p>Level 3 (2.82 UW GPA)</p>
<p>Accepted: Harvard, UNCW, FSU, Furman
Deferred: UMich
Rejected: Slippery Rock Universty, Valparaiso University</p>
<p>Which fatal disease did you cure, how many of your parents attended Harvard, which varsity sports do you play, and what species are you?</p>
<p>Those damn ****ers at Valparaiso rejecting me…</p>
<p>I got into Harvard because I sent in a professionally edited video with my application that featured me sitting at a coffee table discussing US foreign policy, Infanticide, and why I belong at Harvard.</p>
<p>I also had all AP and honors classes, excellent test scores and EC’s, an okay essay, and a fone interview.</p>
<p>Wow, impress to see you got admitted into Harvard with those stats.</p>
<p>I wonder how you will handle the classes/ course load.</p>
<p>He didnt, check his post history, he’s still a high schooler. Even if he was applying this year, Harvard wouldn’t give him his decision until april 1st</p>
<p>Sigh… ■■■■■■… :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Level 5 (3.67 gpa).
Accepted to: Virginia Tech, NC State, University of South Carolina, Georgia, Georgia Tech, and Clemson.
Deffered from: UNC Chapel Hill
Rejected: None. </p>
<p>I had great SAT scores though. 1510/ 2260.</p>