The "I Got in without a 3.7+ GPA" club

<p>okay, a bit off topic here. say u take pretty much all honors/APs but your gpa is in the low 3s unweighted. how horrible does that look to admins?? :(</p>

<p>It probably depends on your school and what you got on AP exams/subject tests. </p>

<p>Iā€™m wondering what happens if you have a 4.0+ GPA in all honors/APs but donā€™t do well on AP exams/subject tests.</p>

<p>Then I wouldnā€™t show them the Ap exam score.</p>

<p>Level 4 (3.17ish)
Accepted: Penn State UP, Rutgers, CU Boulder, Drew University, and seven others that probably arenā€™t mentioned on CC.
Deferred: U of Denver.
Rejected: None.</p>

<p>Iā€™m half latina, half caucasian.</p>

<p>Level 3 (2.97)
Interviewing at St. Josephā€™s School of Nursing for the dual degree program with Le Moyne Collegeā€¦Accepted as long as I donā€™t screw it upā€¦And with a $10,000 scholarship from Le Moyne for my years of study there.</p>

<p>^ WOW! Congratulations, thatā€™s incredible :)</p>

<p>Tufts EDII ā€“ CAS-IR
3.67 gpa
(look at my name LOL)</p>

<p>neethus1 - Thanks! Iā€™m really happy because now I know that Iā€™m not gonna end up going to community college.</p>

<p>^ Aw :slight_smile: At first glance I thought you were being sarcastic, lol.</p>

<p>^ Not being sarcastic at all. I know I donā€™t have very good stats soā€¦</p>

<p>3.6 - colgate</p>

<p>^ Are you going? I have a friend who is!</p>

<p>yupp iā€™m going! i got in early decision :)</p>

<p>level 5, engineering for U Mich, UIUC, Penn stateā€¦seriously u donā€™t need a 4.0ā€¦</p>

<p>I feel SAT scores are more important than others, for publics at least</p>

<p>summerlove - Awesome! My friend was also ED =)</p>

<p>This is so refreshing. I have a lot of friends with 3.5-3.7 GPAs who get into awesome schools (University of Georgia, GA-Tech and though its a little more rare, Emory.</p>

<p>This thread is full of win</p>

<p>Level 5 - 3.5 University of Denver</p>

<p>3.04 penn state-university park, michigan state, iowa state and u iowa</p>