<p>I’m just questioning the 2117 SAT part… is that poster talking about the average or something?</p>
<p>Level 4 GPA: 3.2 …F in AP Calculus in senior year and D- in AP Statistics.
Accepted: University of Rochester, Indiana U-Bloomington, Babson College</p>
<p>^Rochester? Good job. My friend attends that school and she loves it.</p>
John, are you instate for Michigan State? Rather impressive for Lyman Briggs.</p>
<p>Level 4 (3.06) from high school [I’m a sophomore in college now with plans of transferring]
Accepted: University of Kansas, U of Oregon, Purdue, Trinity University, UC Riverside, Cal State Long Beach, U of Denver, Willamette, U of CO-Boulder
Rejected: U of WA-Seattle, Reed College, UC Santa Cruz
I guess I was lucky…got into 2 of my reach schools! Had average EC’s, except that I played piano for 12 years and am an animal activist.</p>
<p>Level 5 (3.6)</p>
<p>-Washington University in St. Louis </p>
<p>Level 5 (3.4)</p>
<p>Accepted: North Carolina State, Howard, American
Rejected: UNC
Wait-listed: UCONN</p>
<p>Waiting-on: George Washington, NYU, BC, USC-columbia,</p>
<p>My school (competitive, well-known private school) doesn’t put our GPAs on our transcripts (so colleges don’t see a number on the 4.0 scale, they just see letter grades for each class)), but we do have internal GPAs (just for reference etc.- not shown to colleges). Mine is ~3.6 (Level 5), and I got in to WUSTL.</p>
<p>wow some stuff i see here are a little encouraging…i’m delighted to see! like some for JHU, cornell, etc. it raises hope a tiny bit. but hopefully not false hope.</p>
<p>My GPA is “downward trend” lol…
Freshman: 3.55
Sophomore: 3.55
Junior: 3.68
Senior 1st term: 3.08</p>
<p>I got into …</p>
<li>University of Michigan Ann Arbor (Engineering)</li>
<li>Northeastern University (PharmD, Honours, 10K Scholarship)</li>
<p>and I consider myself very, very lucky.</p>
<p>Yeah, University of Michigan- Ann Arbor is very competitive. Do you think there was something about you that stood out? Like a high amount of EC’s, ACT, OOS paying full tuition, other achievements etc…?</p>
<p>3.45 ish
got into USC!</p>
<p>^^^ congrats! Is that weighted or unweighted?</p>
<p>Applied to all UC’s</p>
San Diego
Santa Barbara</p>
<p>Santa Cruz
Los Angeles
<p>3.68 Weighted GPA, 3.2 Unweighted</p>
<p>Super downward trend…3.9, 4.2, 3.3, 3.0 1st semester
31 ACT 26, 33, 33, 33
750 Math, 720 Physics, 680 Bio - Science Major</p>
<p>3.5 unweighted</p>
<p>got into UC Davis, Irvine, and San Diego so far!</p>
<p>still waiting on Berkeley and Los Angeles</p>
<p>got into Univ of South Carolina as of today!
3.4 unweighted =D</p>
<p>Okay I know a lot of you think top 10% is necessary for ivys and other top top schools. Is there anyone out there who got in (or know of somebody who got in) to one of these schools without being in the top 10%? (when rank is given on application). If you/another did, did you/they have any hooks or anything?</p>
<p>This is meant to be a positive thread and give hope!!!</p>
<p>I think theres a big thread like this already</p>
<p>My school doesn’t rank, so there are students on the bottom 50% GPA wise that get into top schools.</p>