<p>Hi! Happy Independence day to you too! And also to all here!</p>
Applicant to NYUAD and NYUSH here. Has everyone started on essays and the like?</p>
<p>Hey! I’m currently working on my applications and I’m using the commonapp for some of the universities. However, the counselors in Indian schools do not perform the same functions (they do not send out high school reports) as American high school counselors…So does anyone have any idea on what to do about the counselor recommendation section of the commonapp? Should my principal fill it instead?
Also, when I asked my school about sending transcripts, they asked for a sample…So are transcript formats unique to different institutions or is there some sort of common format to follow?
I would really appreciate the help because I’m doing this entire process as an undergrad all on my own.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Hey, you can do two things. firstly, check out the colleges that you are applying to and check if they have a counselor report form. IF they do, then take that form to your counselor. If you do not have a counselor, contact the admissions department of the schools and inform them. I think they should be fine with the principal. If you cannot find a form, I know a few colleges that have forms, (Columbia College Chicago, etc.) on their websites.
Secondly, your transcripts are going to be the same for every school (to the best of my knowledge), you could ask the admissions department to send you a sample. </p>
<p>I’m writing all my essays right now and studying for the SAT IIs. Shystarryskies are you only applying to only 2 colleges ?</p>
<p>Trying to write my essays, but the “Why this college” topic leaves no space for creativity. :-/ Thankfully I can make up for that in my Common App essay.
Anyway, @nikatronix I’m having my principal writing my LOR, since our school doesn’t have one. If you’re still confused, you can always mail the admission office of the college(s) you’ll be applying to. :)</p>
<p>@collegechick95 hey! I have the same problem with my essays. It’s really hard to write “why this college and how it will help you with you goals”. The best thing to do is read successful essays of a similar topic. </p>
<p>@nikatronix I guess. But I try not to read other stuff when I’m writing my own. 
Anyway, which colleges are you applying to?</p>
<p>@collegechick95 I’m applying to 3 of the UC’s- Los Angeles, San Diego, Davis;University of Southern California; Purdue University; University of Connecticut, Syracuse University
I’ll be majoring in Psychology. What about yourself?
Oh and on the commonapp, when you sent the counselor invitation to your principal, what did you select under “Type”? </p>
<p>@nikatronix I’ll be sending the counselor invitation within this week. If you still haven’t sent it by that time, I’ll let you know. 
And I’ll be applying to USC and SU, too. As well as NYU, Northwestern, Boston U and U of Maryland. I’ll be majoring in Journalism and Pol. Science.</p>
<p>@collegechick95 alright, let me know then!
That’s cool 
Oh and for the counselor details in the commonapp, did you fill in your school counselor’s details or your principal’s who will be doing your recommendation?</p>
<p>Well hello guys I’m applying to MIT Stanford UC Berkeley Cmu Cornell UPenn </p>
<p>Hello all…I’m applying to NYUAD, USC, Cornell, Colorado College and a couple of other colleges in US and. Canada…I plan to major in economics or international relations…college applications are stressing me out…I have my NYUAD application due in a few days…anyways, best of luck to all of you guys!
<p>Well, here’s my ECs
I took the Computer Science and Programming course on edx by MIT
I am the council president for the school council
Previously I was also the event manager for the school student council
I am also the founder/president of the Tech Club in my school.
Also I plan to publish a research paper, based on Wireless Electricity- a research I conducted for Google Science Fair(though couldn’t complete the project)
I have also earned the Trinity College of London certificates in music.
I have a “fusion” band of my own in which I play synthesizers. Also I am fluent in playing guitar and percussion.
I recently developed a kinect based app to control lights and play music.
Also, for the community service, I have been the key part of the “Design For Change” week
We took up the “save food save lives” topic once, and now we are looking to solve a “traffic clogging” issue near the school.
I love Computer Science and Programming. I am fluent with C,C#, html, python already.
I also have attended too many college level tech fest workshops on robotics. Recently I made an accelerometer based robot.</p>
<p>For the scholastic part,
I am the NTSE Scholar
Scored 2330 on PCM SAT Subject Tests: 800 Physics 750 Maths and 780 Chemistry
First Certificate in English by Cambridge University</p>
<p>What do you all think are my chances at good universities?</p>
<p>@Sidshah-What is your SAT1 score??and your grades from 9th to 12th.Admissions to US colleges are holistic</p>
<p>SAT 1 is low I am retaking in November. 9th to 12th I have on an average a A. Sometimes getting the A2 but in math and science its always above 92% so its A1. Just for info SAT 1 is 1920. Too low don’t start on me. I know I gotta improve on that.</p>
<p>Hey guys who’s taking the SAT/SAT Subject Tests tomorrow? Best of luck to everyone! Let’s rock the test!</p>
<p>Hi everybody,</p>
<p>2019er here.
Got 2110 in SAT. will be writing subject tests in nov.
Got 93% in 10th(ICSE). expecting 94-95% 12th (ISC)</p>
<p>Will be applyin to Purdue, UMN, UT Austin, TAMU, URochester, Upenn, Cornell, Dartmouth, USC etc</p>
<p>who are Taking Sat subject test At Lucknow cms center on 08 nov</p>