the infamous bar scene

<p>Hey, everyone - </p>

<p>Obviously, every school has a bar scene, and, as we all know, Loyola is no exception. I however, do not drink, and despite all of the nudge-nudg-ing that goes on when I say this, and the, "Just wait until you get to college!", I have no desire to start drinking when I get to Loyola. I was just wondering if anyone here who is planning on going to LC next year is a fellow non-drinker, or if anyone knows anyone who is.</p>

<p>My daughter who will be going to Loyola is also not a drinker and will be looking to do activities that don't involve drinking. There appears to many activities that you can be involved in. As a parent I am uncomfortable about kids going off campus to a bar, drinking too much, and trying to stumble and find their way back to campus. However, nowadays drinking is illegal for most students so its not smart for any college to allow or condone drinking on campus. The legal liability would be huge.</p>