The "IT'S OVER!" thread

<p>DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNEEEEE!!! Finally, even though I took it easy this year… If I don’t get a 5 on World History after writing 17 pages, I’m gonna be ticked</p>

<p>so happy I’m done</p>

<p>Chem: 3 or 4
English Language: 3 or 4
Macro: 4 or 5
Micro: 5</p>

<p>ap compsci ab, calc bc, lit, physics mech, micro, macro… ALL DONE!</p>

<p>Hurray for no gen eds in college</p>

Stats-likely 5
Calc-likely 4
USH-likely 5, maybe 4
Lang-good bet for a 5
Macro-possible 5, most likely 4</p>

<p>Well worth the pain :D</p>



World History-5 </p>

US History-5
Calc BC-2… I canceled it, lol. What a fail.</p>


<p>Spanish Language- think I did pretty well, either a 4 or a 5 depending on the curve
English Literature- again, pretty well but maybe a 4
Physics B- FAIL. A 3 if I’m lucky.
Micro- did well, but the curve might be sucky this year. Hopefully a 5</p>

<p>finally. I’M DONE!!! yaya!!! i went and watched a movie to celebrate. ;)</p>

<p>I’m so happy I’m done too!! Now to relax and do nothing for the rest of the year! muahaha</p>

<p>Finally!!! I’m done with my three exams. These two weeks had been somewhat very stressful. Man, am I tired right now.</p>

<p>Done with all three of my exams. Even though I know I bombed AP Physics B I walked out of there with a smile on because I was (in the words of MLKJ) “free at last!”</p>

<p>I am done i am done i am done! Wow it feels amazing.</p>

<p>Thank goodness it’s over. My class is going to throw a party tomorrow. :D</p>

<p>I’m done :slight_smile: Now it’s just SAT II in 3 weeks :(</p>

<p>im done as well.
sat subject test world history in june :0</p>

<p>Yes! Glad AP testing is over. I took 4 AP Exams this year and honestly this year has been hell.</p>

<p>Next year I’ll be taking 6 more AP classes but since I’m experienced now, I think it will go alot more smoothly. </p>

<p>Hope all went well guys!</p>

<p>~ Theos</p>


<p>AP Psych – MC Easy, Essays Moderate = 4/5 :smiley:
APUS – MC Moderate, Essays Moderate = 4 :smiley:
AP Lang – MC Easy, Essays Moderate = 4 :D</p>

<p>THANK GOD it’s over.


<p>I can’t believe it’s the last year of AP testing. Not to say that I’m not glad (I am, for all intents and purposes), but wow. I can’t believe that almost exactly two years ago tomorrow, I was taking my first real AP test. And now I’m going off to college… wow…! lol</p>

<p>P.S. Now time to play all my neglected video games! woot</p>

<p>Done with chem AP and world history AP.</p>

<p>My first year of AP tests as a sophomore…</p>

<p>They feel pretty bad, to be honest. I never feel good about tests like the SAT/AP, even if it turns out that I did well.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone, and remember that, in the end, it’s only a test! Enjoy life and don’t worry too much…life is too short to worry about AP tests, even though I know we all do.</p>

<p>Oh my god, it’s finally over!!!</p>

<p>AP Comparative Government: 5 for sure
AP Calculus BC: My biggest worry, i’m hoping for a 3. Feel somewhat confident
AP American History: Will be surprised if I don’t get a 5
AP Physics B: FRQ was HELL but sure I got a 3+
AP Chemistry: 3+
AP World History: Scared but 3 is likely
AP Human Geo: 5 for sure. Easiet test evur</p>

<p>I can’t tell you the amound of joy in me at this moment :></p>

<p>YAY done with micro, macro and stats.</p>

<p>There was a HUGE scandal at our school. Yesterday the power went out the day of the econ exam so we had to take the macro exam an hour later. But one of the groups was taking the test in a lecture hall where there were no windows so when one of the dumbass proctors went outside to chat with another teacher someone stole one of the test packets.</p>

<p>Stupidly, the proctors decided to give the test anyway and today they called us in for a meeting telling us how all our scores would be canceled if someone didnt own up to it before 9 o clock when they would call college board. Our econ teacher (whom everyone hates) started yelling at everybody and accusing others. He even made a jock cry because he cussed him out and was like “even if your mom has cancer and you have problems at home doesnt mean you can ruin the test for everyone!” yeah weird day ;-)</p>