The Ivy League for CS?

<p>How are the Ivies ranked for Computer Science ? Could you please rank them on this basis ? I'm an international student, so I would need financial aid. Also, which are the other good universities for computer science? Thanks.</p>

<p>i might be making this up, but i think cornell is probably the one you want to look into.</p>

<p>And what about Princeton/Yale/Harvard/Brown ?</p>

<p>The strongest ones are Cornell and Princeton. Harvard's CS isn't terrible, either.</p>

<p>bump.. Reply please..</p>

<p>Don't restrict yourself to Ivies. MIT, Stanford, Caltech and Berkely are definitely in the top 10 for CS.</p>

<p>I'm surprised no one's mentioned it yet, but CMU has one of the strongest CS departments in the country.</p>