The Ivy League School with an inferiority complex

<p>Which school do you think has the biggest inferiority complex? I say either Cornell or Penn (confused w/ Penn State)</p>

<p>Cornell 10char</p>

<p>Definitely Cornell. Doesn’t it have the highest suicide rate out of any other college? Just wondering.</p>

<p>I don’t know how this is all relevant to your college search. If you have good enough stats to be able to get into one of those higher ranking schools then I am sure that’s where you’ll be going. If not, then you may just have to feel inferior. Worse still, you may not even have the stat to get into one of those inferior schools, and that would really suck big time, wouldn’t it?</p>

<p>stereotypical cc thread</p>

<p>Tufts, if it’s even considered one.</p>

<p>Either Brown (confused with the color) or Columbia (confused with Colombia)</p>



<p>[Dear</a> Uncle Ezra - Questions for Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - Cornell University](<a href=“]Dear”></p>

<p>The Ivy League school and its fans with the greatest inferiority complex? </p>

<p>If you’re a regular reader of CC, it’s obviously some of the partisans of U Michigan and UC Berkeley. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Not smart HS students first responding. This thread should fade away…</p>

<p>All of them except Harvard.</p>

<p>This thread is ridiculous. Why would any Ivy League student body have an inferiority complex? We are talking about 8 of the top 10 or top 15 universities in the nation. </p>

<p>And I am not sure what suicide rates have to do with anything. But as it so happens, the university with the highest suicide rate among elite universities is MIT, not Cornell. Cornell isn’t even second, third…or fourth for that matter. In statistical terms, the national average suicide rate for college students is 7.5 students per 100,000 students. Cornell’s suicide rate is 5.6 per 100,000 students, which is well below the national average and also below other elite universities such as Duke, Harvard and Johns Hopkins.</p>

<p>[Hopkins</a> suicide rate in line with national college trend - News](<a href=“]Hopkins”></p>



<p>Many ivy students grew up thinking they were the (crimson) cream of the crop. So it’s plausible that some may develop an “inferiority complex” (I’d use a more tactful term) if they don’t get into Harvard.</p>

<p>It’s more likely for a student at one of the non-HYP ivies to have such a “complex” than one at a second or third tier school. It’s all a matter of whether or not expectations meet reality.</p>



<p>I don’t go to Michigan or Berkeley, but I find your obsession with these schools very disturbing.</p>

<p>This is a thread about ivy league schools with an “inferiority complex,” but you still couldn’t resist an opportunity to insult the students and alums of these “PUBLIC ivies.”</p>



<p>Is Tufts an Ivy? No.</p>

<p>Haha this is a funny thread…I’d say maybe U Penn, Columbia, Brown, Cornell because…</p>

<p>U Penn: Some people think its a state U
Columbia: Confused with the country
Brown: Confused w the color
Cornell: Considered the lowest of Ivies b/c large class size or whatever, not really sure why</p>

<p>^ Haha, why do those students have to worry to much about the college that superficially.</p>

<p>^ They don’t. Did I say they did?</p>

<p>Either UPenn or Brown; I encounter so many people who believe that UPenn is actually Penn State (the number 1 party school in the US)- not a good misconception… And Brown because of, well, the color and subsequent meanings it connotes.</p>

<p>I guess I’ll just aim for Penn State and tell my parents it’s UPenn then.</p>