THE LIST--to wait or not to wait...

<p>for all of those put on the waiting list.....
are you going to wait or not?</p>

<p>I am going to wait...why not? It cant hurt.
By the way what were your stats?</p>

<p>25 ACT
1560 SAT
3.88 w gpa </p>

<p>im going to wait too...but i wasnt sure what to think haha..right when i saw the letter i knew it wasnt good news because my friend received a huge packet from miami (accepted),and then i get the small envelope...but its annoying because it's not "accepted" and not "rejected" the waiting continues...but we hear before or on JUNE 15!? </p>

<p>my graduation date is june 6th or 7th!...ill be out of high school! hahah</p>

<p>I'll probably wait.</p>

<p>if we do get june 15th...</p>

<p>do we just "back out" of our commitment to other colleges whose deadlines are in may?</p>

<p>I'm not going to wait. Miami is a great school, but after applying EA then getting deferred to RD and then getting wait listed...I just don't think it's where I'm supposed to go.</p>

<p>And there is no way I'm going to wait until June 15th just to see if they will actually use the wait list this year.</p>

3.3 W GPA (it sucks donkey spheres, i know)
1290/1970 SAT
26 ACT</p>

<p>HKcouture- I have almost the exact same stats as you. lol. Looks like we're probably pretty close to each other on the wait list. I think i had like a 27 act though, but its basically the same. In reality though, I dont think I will end up going. It takes too long to find out if we're accepted and I applied to like 10 different places.</p>

<p>ya--i think im going to wait on the list...but in reality...i'll probably end up some where else...but you know, theres always spring break miami '08 haha</p>

<p>does everyone have a "special offer" in the waitlist for admission to spring 2009? or is that just for a few waitlistees and the rest are doomed without any guarantees?</p>

<p>yeah i got the "special offer" too for spring '09 admittance. if we take that do we go to another college for a semester or wait?</p>

<p>I called them and they said, basically, we can do whatever we want.
Any other "special offer" recipients?</p>

<p>deferred first, now wait listed. I got into every other college I applied. Scholarships to all but two (NYU and BU). I'm not waiting, I've got better things to do. </p>

<p>Female, 17 years old
Scottsdale, AZ
Stats: 4.0 GPA overall (this year 4.75!)
IB and AP's
Top 15%
1890 SAT (630's in all)</p>

<p>Student Government Student Body President of a top AZ school with 3000 students: Plans class agendas including student bonding, leadership lessons, class discussions, as well as organizing committees to plan events working hand and hand with the advisor. I won't even list the activities we are responsible for since it would take an hour to read! LOL</p>

<p>School Organizations: </p>

<p>Site Council Board Member- Meet with parents, teachers, and administrators to discuss current events at school and delegate money to different organizations under a Tax Credit Fund. </p>

<p>Invisible Children Club Member- Raise money for Gulu High School in Northern Uganda</p>

<p>Young Environmentalists Vice President- Raise awareness about global warming</p>

<p>National Honor Society Member- Community service events, maintain a 3.5 GPA</p>

<p>Community Service:</p>

<p>The Taylor Fund - Raises money to send several underprivileged children to Phoenix Suns Basketball Camp through donations and an annual golf tournament</p>

<p>United Blood Services – I coordinate and follow through to see that all objectives are met 4 times a year. This is done on school grounds.</p>

<p>Walk for Uganda – Lead the organization and recruit volunteers to walk and assist the day of the event</p>

<p>Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research (SSBTR) Recruit volunteers to attend. </p>

<p>Wellesley’s Walk - Plan annual walk to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. </p>

<p>National Honor Society- Various duties and volunteer activities throughout the community. </p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>

<p>Acting and film classes with Peter Steltzer and Marla Finn
Have acted in two movies released in theaters (Arizona Summer and Forget About It.) SAG.
Have acted in several commercials and have modeled since the age of 3. </p>


<p>Girly Girlz party Host.
Ben and Jerry’s employee </p>

<p>My essay kicked it and my rec's were outstanding. I got into every other college I applied to, all but two with scholarships. Miami didn't even look at me. First I was deferred now wait listed. I didn't need any financial help.</p>

<p>Miami's getting a LOT tougher to get into. :(. I still don't understand how you got waitlisted that means I did we have nearly identical stats (except that I am a transfer student lol.)</p>

<p>"I got into every other college I applied. Scholarships to all but two (NYU and BU)."</p>

<p>If you don't mind my asking, when did you hear from BU? I applied there as well, but I didn't think notifications were being send out for another week or two...</p>

28 ACT
3.6 UW Gpa</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many Miami accepted off the waitlist in previoud years?</p>

<p>This is atrocious...HOW HARD is it to get in this year!! haha. I am most def. wiatlisted.</p>

<p>still nobody has answered my question. is the "special offer" given to every waitlist-ee? or not?</p>

<p>to answer your question probably not because i dont think i got the "special offer" </p>

<p>my friends that started their freshman yr at miami this yr didnt have the scores some of you have (meaning slightly lower) and some how got in...</p>

<p>so strange..</p>

<p>but I heard theyre gonna have like a 30% acc. rate it's that hard I guess haha.</p>