THE LIST--to wait or not to wait...

<p>to HKcouture: Its probably because their grades were WAY better than mine. I only have a Weighted 3.3! I went from a 2.6 gpa to a 4.0.</p>

<p>I didn't get the "special offer" wait list. But anyways, I checked no and put the letter in the mail this morning.</p>

<p>Salamander: I haven't heard from NYU or BU yet.</p>

<p>BubbytheTourG, I already answered ; I did. I was offered the "special" also. I'm writing "Go to Hell."</p>

<p>What bunch of poo. I'm not begging them to take me, I'm better than that. I'm an excellent student (and my 17 year old brother drowned in a freak accident when I was a sophomore the SAME WEEK we moved to the other side of the country - I moved BACK 6 months later, and my family has been split since then, and yet I STILL did well in school and my extras curriculars kick a**) yet they don't think I'm good enough for Miami? </p>

<p>I'll take my money elsewhere thank you. I'm a hard worker, I'll be successful no matter where I go! Miami is a really good school for certain subjects, but not like it's Harvard or anything............ PFFFFT!</p>

<p>ouch. a bit harsh there, mate.</p>

<p>azsummerrr don't be so sad/upset/bitter. I remember when I got rejected from McGill last year (EVEN THOUGH one of the main profs for the school of music basically guaranteed I'd get in when I had a sample lesson with him) I wanted to go up there and tear him to shreds (not literally)-I was so hurt. But it all worked out...I wouldn't have been happy there...And you shouldn't be so hard on the school. No Miami isn't harvard but it sure as hell is getting hard to get into lol. Lighten up a lil :)</p>

<p>Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so harsh. <em>shrugs</em> </p>

<p>I highly doubt I am the only student that's certainly qualified enough (if not more so) to get in. Look at some of the people on here that have applied! These are really terrific students. </p>

<p>I realize a university cannot possibly know what the average mean score of an SAT is going to be, but for some departments where a perfect SAT score is not necessary, it owuld help if more criteria were exact. Because it's not, I have seen some pretty incredible kids get passed by. </p>

<p>It would certainly be a huge benefit if some colleges would post at least what they are looking for in a student instead of being so vague. It's that vagueness that is causing so many students to apply to an outlandish number of schools. I know of kids my age who applied to 20 or more schools! Who does that??? It seems to me to be a bit of an overkill. No wonder so many kids are being rejected. </p>

<p>I think one reason why schools like Miami offer the "special offer" (where we can attend in January of '09) is because even THEY can't tell how many students are going to accept their offer since SO many of them have applied elsewhere. But on the other hand, if you DON'T apply to scores of colleges, you may not get into a decent one! Right now the system is totally screwed up. </p>

<p>Jeremy, have you gotten any word yet? Good luck to you dude. You should hear by April 15th, and those of you who were wait listed and checked yes, you shoudl find out an answer by June 15th. Man, that is really cutting it close. Unless you are local, then it's not that big of a deal. </p>

<p>Salamander, have you heard from NYU? April 1st I have heard is the cut off date to notify students. Same with Boston U. </p>

<p>BubbythetourG - I don't think too many people got the special offer. I'm sorry I don't remember, but did you get the offer too? If so, what is your decison? </p>

<p>What other schools have you guys applied to also? </p>

<p>Good Luck everyone!</p>

<p>Hey azsummer, nooo I haven't gotten a word yet :(. I am just going to go with the flow. If I get waitlisted/rejected then so be it. What can ya do ya know? I'm certainly not waiting for the spring of '09 because I already am trying to transfer I want this decision to be the last! HAha. If I get in, I'ma throw a damn party or something lol. But until then, I wait. and wait. and wiat.</p>

<p>Where do you think you might go!?</p>

Salamander, have you heard from NYU? April 1st I have heard is the cut off date to notify students. Same with Boston U.


<p>I got a postcard from NYU last Tuesday- they said I was in and that they'd mail the official admissions packet soon. I haven't heard anything from BU yet.</p>

<p>I'm not sure yet. Maybe USC.
Where are you transfering FROM???
Good luck - don't give up!</p>

<p>Fantastic! Have you decided if you will attend? What are you going to go for?</p>

<p>I'm still waiting on the financial aid package, but if it's good and I don't get into my #1 (Columbia), I'll go. I'm probably going to go for chemistry, but I'm not totally sure yet.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>HA Ok...This is really funny to a lot of other people considering UM...I'm transferring from Tulane...i just hateddddddd it there. loved new orleans (I applied to loyola next door0 but tulane was just shi**y. lol.</p>

<p>Thanks. Columbia. that's fantastic. I think that would be a very difficult school for me. I wish you the best of luck!</p>

<p>I was under the impression the last notification date was April 1st. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I'm in! I was offered a spot off the wait list. I don't know what to do! I've been accepted into Boston U in their GSP and I am unsure what to do now.<br>
I was so bummed when I didn't get into Miami right away that I have sort of talked myself out of going. NOW WHAT!? LOL I got into lots of schools, and Miami was my first choice, but I am not sure what to do now... where to go!</p>

<p>What's GSP? :O And congratz!</p>

<p>General studies program</p>