The lols of Peer Editing.

<p>cs is referring to everyone</p>


Only true no-life posers check others’ post histories and attach random personality labels to online screennames…</p>

<p>no u</p>

<p>orly nohaxplz.</p>

<p>I will only let people I trust with my papers edit them.
My teachers have yet to require, this year, assigned peer editing. Last year when my teacher required it, my papers would come back with virtually nothing written about what needs to be improved.
As to our school newspaper, I wrote an article the other day for our December issues and mine had to be simplified because the general population at my high school wouldn’t have caught on. It was fairly sad.</p>

<p>I hate peer editing, people just rip off my points.</p>

<p>^ My points are always so catered to me, so people can’t really rid them off, although nine out of ten times people in my school get confused by my owrd choice.</p>

<p>My teacher wants us to use other peoples’ ideas - that is, if we find any worth using (heh…). </p>

<p>and yeah - my word choice throws some people off, too.</p>

<p>^ That sounds horrible. So, in other words, she wants you to steal others ideas instead of encouraging individual thought?</p>

<p>Then again, in my school, it’s not hard to throw people off with my word choice, when kids in my Honors 10 English class don’t know what the word “biased” means, and “perplexed” was on the vocabulary list as a freshman in the honors English class.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s horrible at all - it definitely helps us think outside of the box. Most of my class puts in a lot of our own analysis (rather than the obvious analysis) into our essays, and if we find other ideas that complement our own, she urges us to include them. </p>

<p>There’s nothing wrong with using other peoples’ points - need I remind everyone that nothing is original? lol</p>

<p>^ At my school it wouldn’t work so well.
The honors program here is just a way to ensure that you’re in a class with your friends. Honors is a title, not a description. </p>

<p>I could see it working with kids who care, but the majority of the kids would rip of the exact point and never think of anything extra to put with it.</p>