The long wait ahead.

<p>Now that most of us have completed our applications (WOOOOOOHOOOOOO), it is time to begin the long wait till the tenth of March. Please post any ideas for things to do while waiting, no matter how silly it may seem. I know that everyone is anxiously waiting so it would be good to have something fun to do during the wait!</p>

<p>View this post =)</p>

<p>Lol why not get back to your normal life …then start fantasizing again around…lets say…March 10</p>

<p>The wait is the worst part!!</p>

<p>I’ve just been diving into other things and keeping my mind on my other options: scheduling for next school year, the aftermath of exams, summer programs, etc.</p>

<p>I really need to get into boarding school… My social life here sucks. :stuck_out_tongue:
I got rejected by the boy I’ve liked for almost 2 years. We went out for 6 months last year and then NADA. Haha we’re BFFs, too.
Sorry. Needed to get my sob story out somewhere!
Now… I’m knitting hats, partying, studying, sleeping, and reading. That’ll last me like… 2 weeks.</p>

<p>ouch! well… when you get into wharton and become an internationally renowned entrepreneur, he’ll be jealous! :DDD</p>

<p>lol. jk. but i have no social life, either.
schedule: sleep, eat, go to school, extra-currics, eat, homework, sleep.
xrepeat … >_></p>

<p>Hahaha. Thanks for the helpful comment mpicz… That wasn’t really unnecessary. At least I have basketball to be happy about.</p>

<p>@ starcrossed: I already got my exams back and luckily, they were all very good! I received my transcript today also!</p>

<p>Lol I wasn’t being mean I was just saying. Its good to try and “have a life” as some people put it now and get accustom socially to your school right now. I think that would help a lot of people when they get to boarding school, especially if your coming in as a 9th grader.</p>

<p>Every sob story I hear has to do with at some point feeling lost or feeling lonely. Whether this be family,friends,or anything else. If everyone would just enjoy what they have now for a little maybe life will be easier once you get to boarding school.</p>

<p>I feel so happy! I don’t know WHY, but I’m happier than a singing canary. I literally lost all stress this weekend… Though the things that were stressing me out aren’t GONE, the stress and anger and bad feelings are. I feel good.</p>

<p>:) I want to bottle this feeling, mass produce it, and sell it. THEN I’ll be a world-renowned entrepreneur !!</p>

<p>@Saer: That’s good! The near-impossible task has been finished! (or at least mine has)</p>

<p>Haha, the crazy-happiness has disappeared in the wake of midterms and angriness from others, but over al I am chiiiiillllll.</p>

<p>I’m pretty much taking on everything that someone throws my way. Even things that I would not normally be taking an active part in. I’m trying make myself so busy/stressed, that I’ll forget about boarding school (well, at least for a moment).</p>

<p>I cant wait until they come.</p>

<p>I am bored outa my mind. I think I’ll probably just chill a ton with friends and stuff. I’ll just be very apprehensive!!</p>

<p>Chillchillchill. Yeah, I’m trying to be calm, but I dream (literally) about boarding school. That’s probably NOT normal… Haha</p>

<p>I’m with ya Saer lol, I’ve had three dreams to date. They went like this:

  1. Interview- the admissions officer literally starts eating my foot then I wake up I swear to god I’m not making it up lol
  2. March 10- I open the letter and suddenly lose the ability to read
  3. They email me saying I’m not longer a candidate for admission due to… come to think of it they didn’t give a reason >.<</p>

<p>Anyways, thought I’d share that with everyone lolz</p>

<p>Up until recently, I had dreams that my application information got lost in the mail. Or, that my absent-minded counselor completely forgot to send my transcripts and such in!</p>

<p>I do try not to think about what it’ll be like if I get in; don’t want to get all excited if it is not going to happen. But, I can’t help myself! lol</p>

<p>I had a dream that I got accepted, and on the first day at Choate I went into the dining hall and all the tables except one or two are in a cluster in the middle. I go to sit in one of the cluster-tables and I get yelled at, so I go sit alone. And then an ugly guy who was sitting at one of the lonely tables, too, got up and started talking to me, and asked me to make out. O.O
Then I realize- they made me sit over here cause I’m UGLY, just like that dude!</p>

<p>My insecurities are odd, haha.</p>

<p>Wow, those are some interesting dreams, Istoleyournose! Now it seems like school is over almost, even though it has only been one semester I’m so excited about boarding school that school seems unexistent.</p>

<p>I know I’ve had a couple weird dreams about Boarding schools, but I seem to be having a blank on exactly what they were about…</p>