The Luminaries - February CC Book Club Selection

<p>I’ve actually calculated “daily reading assignments” to make sure I finish by February 1. So far, so good. Several years ago I was reading a book with lots of characters and it was hard to keep them straight. Although there was a Cast of Characters list at the front of the book, I was reading it on my Kindle, and it was just too annoying/difficult to try to “flip” back and forth. I finally gave up and just kept reading, hoping/trusting the characters would sort themselves out as I continued. It worked, so now I just keep going and hope for the best!</p>

<p>My problem is we’ll be away on Feb. 1, not returning until a week later. I’m not sure what we’re taking for electronic “toys,” so I may not be able to join the discussion until we get back!</p>

<p>MommaJ, so near and yet so far! You might find a kindred spirit in this reader: [Leaving</a> The Luminaries? | Savidge Reads](<a href=“http://savidgereads.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2013/12/10/leaving-the-luminaries/]Leaving”>Leaving The Luminaries… | Savidge Reads)</p>

<p>CBBBlnker, I’m with you as regards Character Charts. The chart in The Luminaries doesn’t display well on my early model Kindle, and I can’t easily flip back to it anyway. It doesn’t really matter, as the chart isn’t specific enough–I need a crib sheet with more detail, so I can keep track of who’s who.</p>

<p>Mary13, the amount of work that reader put into The Luminaries before giving up on it (taking notes, re-reading sections, listening to an audiobook version of sections already read) was, frankly, nuts. Interesting that the other book she mentioned being unable to cope with was A Visit from the Goon Squad, one I adored. So, we are not a kindred spirits, it seems.</p>

<p>[Blog</a> Post: What Makes You Put Down a Book?](<a href=“What Makes You Put Down a Book? - Goodreads News & Interviews”>What Makes You Put Down a Book? - Goodreads News & Interviews)</p>

<p>^Totally understand Wicked making the list. Didn’t like it at all.</p>

<p>I just let it all wash over me, enjoying the writing and the details and not trying to untangle the story. I still don’t understand exactly how some of the events happened, or even what exactly <em>what</em> happened, in some cases! I’m going back through the book now and taking notes.</p>

<p>I’m only on page 194 but I really like The Luminaries so far. I do reread sections but take no notes (ever!). I don’t have a problem with the who’s who of characters, though I have a hard copy and often flip to the character chart and astrological chart. I am trying to untangle as I go and have actually guessed right on an occasion or two.</p>

<p>I am having some fun with the astrology. This helps:</p>

<p>[Planets</a> In the Signs - by Bob Marks Astrology Lesson 7.0](<a href=“]Planets”></p>

<p>I’m in the midst of Moon in Taurus,Waxing<a href=“Frost”>/I</a>. So, going to Taurus: [Taurus</a> - ASTROLOGY, Planets in the Signs by Bob Marks](<a href=“]Taurus*”> </p>

<p>Also, Frost - Related House: The Reserve Bank (Revell-street) - is in the second house.</p>

<p>[Astrological</a> Houses and What They Mean - For Dummies](<a href=“dummies - Learning Made Easy”>Astrological Houses and What They Mean - dummies)*</p>

<p>Please note the “For Dummies” classification. I don’t claim to know what I’m doing.</p>

<p>I’m going slow but I’m reading a book of essays right now also <a href=“This%20Is%20the%20Story%20of%20a%20Happy%20Marriage%5B/I%5D%20-%20Ann%20Patchett”>I</a>. I plan to make greater progress on The Luminaries as soon as I finish Patchett’s book. I like the Patchett book too.</p>

<p>I am just past page 100. I am not taking notes or highlighting in my Kindle. After reading all the above comments and suggestions, I decided to just read. I’m doing okay so far. I don’t feel the need to put the book away yet. :)</p>

<p>I am totally ignoring all of the astrological aspects and just reading - just got to Section III. I feel like I have a better grasp on the characters by now although I often have to stop and think about which one is which. </p>

<p>I imagine that no one else in my real life book club will finish this one by Feb. 3! I think chances are only about half of us will ever finish it. Glad I started early!</p>

<p>I’m getting ready to start Part III - page 521 or so - and all is well. I like the book and its twists and turns. I’ve some ideas about the who, what, why, and how; but I expect to be surprised when all’s said and done. I have noticed the book’s L-E-N-G-T-H by now but am still happy with it, so no problem.</p>

<p>I’m not concerned about finishing the book in time. I finished the Patchett book <a href=“This%20Is%20the%20Story%20of%20Happy%20Marriage%5B/I%5D”>I</a> yesterday - good book :slight_smile: and somewhat of a breath of fresh air after Dear Life. I can now devote more time to The Luminaries. Still, I think it would be hard to be starting it now with the goal of a Feb. 1 finish. Fortunately, in this book club, you can finish whenever. I speak from experience.</p>

<p>I’ve enjoyed it - over half way through - but I’ve totally ignored the astrology.</p>

<p>^ same here</p>

<p>Astrology? What astrology??? :)</p>

<p>Well, I finished and, actually, am not quite ready to leave. I’m looking forward to the discussion. I did really like the book.</p>

<p>For those of you still reading, the last sections read so quickly: you’ll finish before you know it.</p>

<p>Can the astrology be ignored? Yes - and a resounding no. More on that when the discussion begins.</p>

<p>*I’m having issues at the moment with this new CC. </p>

<p>I almost stayed up way too late trying to finish the book. I’m very close to the end. DH ended up reading it too. He thinks it’s weird. From a guy who reads nothing but sci fi and fantasy. 8-| </p>

<p>Hi there! This is BU with a new name. I could not log in with my old account, got frustrated, and decided to start fresh. I didn’t like my old name anyway. If CC can change, so can I. It also looks like anyone can now put our posts on Facebook. I’m not sure I like that change. </p>

<p>My new name is Gaelic for friend. I’m getting ready for the upcoming Outlander series.</p>

<p>ignatius, I’m glad you liked The Luminaries. I’m still reading. I hope I get done by the first!</p>

<p>OK, Caraid, you have inspired me to make a fresh start. The former psychmom is now goodenuffmom. </p>

<p>I finished the book and ended up enjoying it. Looking forward to following the discussion!</p>

<p>All I know is that I was magically promoted to senior member, and if I learned anything from Spider-Man, it’s that with great power comes great responsibility.</p>

<p>BU, I like your Gaelic name – thought for a minute that we had a mechanic join the group. psychmom, I suspect you’re way, way better than good enough. :)</p>

<p>Now no more messing around with identities. So much change, I’m having a panic attack.</p>

<p>I’m on page 600. Getting there.</p>

<p>Mary, I didn’t realize your last name was Cassatt! ;)</p>

<p>Lol, Mary. You are the second person to tell me my name suggests I am a car mechanic. So much for being witty and unique. :-?? (Yikes! There are too many emoticons to choose!). The Gaelic pronunciation is ca-ritsh.</p>

<p>Finished the book! Now maybe I’ll go back and try to figure out what the heck astrology had to do with it!</p>