The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

KK, I’ll watch it tomorrow! Or Monday! Or the next time I have free time! @UIButton

Don’t forget to watch Coraline!

@UIButton You have gotten past 140!


You’ve never watched Neighbors?

So close to falling asleep but someone had to say coraline :’-)

I WILL NEVER WATCH CORALINE. The trailer scared me into nightmares.

It’s kind of on the inappropriate side, but idk.

GOLDENFYGG you’re here.

Did you read the past 50 pages?

It scarred me as a child… So @thelittleswimmer and I are trying to get @mathman1201 to watch it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Coraline creeps me out to the max. It scares me so badly.

I must skedaddle soon if I have any hopes of sleeping before 2.

You have 2hrs mathman.

I don’t need that scarring. @goldenfygg

@mathman1201‌ Advice before you go: Don’t watch Coraline.

Minus 1 to get the blech out of my system.


I’ve been sitting down the whole day… sigh…

Is it really that scary? @02gloves