<p>What did you write about? I repeatedly spelled "correlation" as "corelation"... That must have taken a chunk out of my grade...</p>
<p>my first example was the book
’ great awakening ’
a main character cant pursue what she really wants to do
cuz of social norms
and communism in north korea</p>
<p>I wrote about European nations such as Belgium only having 5 hour work days. [YouTube</a> - Hardest Working Country In The World Is…](<a href=“Hardest Working Country In The World Is... - YouTube”>Hardest Working Country In The World Is... - YouTube)</p>
<p>Can you post your essay prompt? There is always more than one . . .</p>
<p>I actually was for rules and limitations. </p>
<p>My examples:
Rules that guaranteed women and blacks basic human rights, such as voting and employment, increased the overall level of happiness of two extremely prevalent parties in america. </p>
<p>And the limitations\rules the court placed on Nixon during the watergate scandal thrilled both the common man and courts, since it ultimately led to his impeachment and prOved that the rules within the consitition upheld even in the midst of corruption</p>
<p>Mine was will working less and having more free time allow people to do more creative and active activities? Something along that line</p>
<p>I was for rules, used Picture of Dorian Gray, the English Civil War, and Lord of the Flies as examples. A bit of a fabricated personal experience which involved staying out past curfew and regretting it… :P</p>
<p>my prompt was ‘‘are truly successful people the ones who solve their own problems?’’ …i think it was easy. i wrote about oprah, rosa parks, and the egyptian 25th january protest</p>
<p>@davidthefat I used correlation in my essay too! I thankfully spelled it right, almost spelled it corelation. Don’t worry, I doubt the graders will seriously penalize you for that… unless they’re PMS’ing. </p>
<p>I thought my writing was good, stylistically. However, my examples were a little… pathetic… I managed to get a 10 on my last essay when i completely BS’d it O.o</p>
<p>I used school dress codes (limits student expression) and same sex marriage laws.</p>