The new fad that's sweeping the nation: misspelling college names

Johns Hopkin
John Hopkin
John Hopkins



<p>The two that bother me the most.</p>

<p>Wellesley vs. Wesleyan

<p>Pen :-P</p>

Wait I meant duke*</p>

<p>Not really a spelling error but University of Indiana.</p>

<p>The ones that bother me the most:

<p>Learn to spell people?</p>

<p>Johns Hopkin
John Hopkin
John Hopkins</p>

<p>hey those 3 are pretty similar
It would be perfectly possible for anyone here to make a mistake like that</p>

<p>I hate when people write Harvard when what they really mean is Haaaaaaaahvahd.</p>



<p>It’s not permissible if you wish to attend that school</p>

<p>lol Rensselaer always trips me up; I wanna type “Rennselaer” ><</p>

<p>The spelling of RPI became a lot easier after I heard someone pronounce it.</p>

<p>The John Hopkins one annoys me a lot.</p>



<p>No, I think you meant dook. :D</p>

<p>John Hopkins kills me. You have no idea how many idiots I’ve been in arguments with that it’s actually Johns, not John.</p>

<p>Hearing “John Hopkins” makes me want to shoot myself.</p>

<p>guilty of misspelling RPI</p>

<p>University of Spoiled Children should be spelled SUC.</p>

<p>I misspell RPI all the time. That is definitely the most difficult school to spell. So difficult that I don’t even want to try to write it out, since I’d probably embarrass myself by actually misspelling it.</p>

<p>an old friend of mine attended the school known as Wossamotta U. i’ve heard many people pronounce it and spell it incorrectly.</p>

<p>Quite a few pronounce Worcester incorrectly.</p>