The new fad that's sweeping the nation: misspelling college names


Fun fact, USC has more students coming from poverty than any other top 50 private school.</p>


Lol, I know a kid who got in and might go to WPI that doesn’t know how to say it. The pronunciation is really odd, though.</p>

<p>Fun fact: USC is probably the only school I’ve heard justified as good “because it’s private.”</p>



<p>Lol. My sister goes to WPI, and at first I thought that it was pronounced Wor-ces-ter, but it’s actually pronounced ‘Woo-ster.’</p>



<p>It’s the University of Second Choice, get it right.</p>



<p>As someone of English heritage, these are the kinds of statements that make me laugh (nothing to be ashamed of though - the mistake is very common).</p>

<p>It’s a bit like people that pronounce Warwickshire as “WAR-wick-SHY-er” instead of “WAR-ick-sher” or Gloucestershire as “Glou-ches-ter-shy-er” instead of “Glos-tih-sher”.</p>

<p>I’ve also always wanted to see people struggle with some Welsh names. For example, Llandudno would confuse the heck out of people (clue: Ll is a letter not found in the English language, and the u is pronounced like an i).</p>

<p>Berkly Berkley Berklee<(that a real college though, a music conservatory, i think?). It really bothers me. But that would never happen at my school, here its the college most attended. :]</p>



<p>oh my gosh. i’m lucky to have never witnessed anyone spell them like this.</p>

<p>especially the latter, W T F, that isn’t even grammatically correct. haha.</p>

<p>hah-vahd ftmfw

<p>Fun fact: USC is probably the only school I’ve heard justified as good “because it’s private.”</p>

<p>lol a thread with some potential</p>

<p>I’ve actually seen Dartmouth get spelled Dartmith before.</p>

<p>^Or Darthmouth…there was a post about someone who couldn’t find Dartmouth on the Common App because he/she kept writing Darthmouth…not to be mean, but I found that kind of amusing.</p>

<p>Also, Swathmore - yes, you can <em>pronounce</em> it either way, but you still have to spell it Swarthmore. Sorry.</p>



<p>The first one is completely correct. Maybe you’re confusing Haverford College with Harvard?</p>

<p>[Haverford</a> College](<a href=“]Haverford”></p>

<p>Good liberal arts college.</p>

<p>Darthmouth? Is that the evil Sith Lord of Colleges? :)</p>

<p>Guilty of thinking Johns Hopkins was John Hopkins. Thanks for enlightening me.</p>



<p>Hi, have you ever heard a joke before?</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins is such a stupid name. For the longest time I thought it was John Hopkins and everyone who talked about it pronounced it the same way. </p>

<p>Who the hell is named Johns? John’s Hopkins, maybe. But Johns? That’s just wrong.</p>

<p>And Rensselaer? Rensselear? Renesslaer? Agh! Just shoot me.</p>

<p>Rensselaer. Hahaha. I always spell it wrong at first.</p>

<p>It’s Rensselaer. Is it? :eek:</p>

<p>I lol’d at USC and Worcester. And John Hopkins. I mean Johns.</p>

<p>Fun fact: Sith is an anagram of a swear word.</p>

<p>"Agh! Just shoot me. "
With Coca-Cola?</p>

<p>‘Johns’ never made much sense to me either.</p>

<p>Colgate University FTW!</p>